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Jun 02, 2004 2:27 pm HARDCORE training for real leaders
Sandi Krakowski-ARealChange.com

I want to share some of the most powerful things I have ever learned in my life , this past year. If this offends you, I certainly don't mean for it to. If it challenges you, I applaud you.

I am going to share something very personal with you. The only thing that has ever hindered me in my life, in my marriage, with my children and in my business has always always ALWAYS been an excuse. An excuse is a well planned lie. Sometimes we have been giving excuses for so long, we ourselves belive these excuses. I am going to tell you right now the root of an excuse, ie a lie is evil. It is wicked, it is destructive and it never changed anyone's life for the better.

A teachable person is a reachable person. They don't have to have everything in order in their lives, they don't have to even have any experience or any past history of success. Frankly some of the most successful people I have met were those who were at rock-bottom. They could not fall any further. THEN THEN! they got to the point that they would not believe or live their lies anymore. I call it the day of disgust. You can call it what you want- but every successful marketer, business person, even mother and father, child- whatever that has risen above the norm, made a real difference in their lives, is someone who has said, "I am done!"

So many people don't want to hear this, they'd rather blame their health, their finances, their spouse, their family, their lack of money, their lack of time, etc etc etc. I say pass the cheese and crackers with that whine and get over it! I don't again mean to sound harsh, but let me tell you, I have had in my life so many obstacles in my life the only thing I have ever learned well is to fight back harder, fly higher and learn well when mistakes happen. Care to join the 2% or are you comfortable in the 98% who make excuses?

Sandi :)

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