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..:INDIA BUSINESS CLUB:.. [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy BrandViews: 417
Apr 25, 2005 11:48 am re: re: re: re: Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy Brand

Bala Pillai
A good location for those who want to rise up into business artistry [1] is the "In Between" community at Openbc. Mingle with European business artistry folks.

Go to http://www.openbc.com/net/between

For some humour, start with the exchange between me and John Grantham at:



[1]Business artists = imaginative, ideasful folks in all business areas. Key commonality is foresightful, imaginative, possibilities respecting outlook. Eg those who have the cognitive capacity to imagine that a problem has already been solved and imagine the milestones towards it.

Pooh-poohing an idea is easy -- anyone can do it. You can find them for a rupee a dozen. Having a possibilities respecting outlook takes heaps of inner strength.

Takes heaps of inner strength to detachedly perceive a problem (because you have to go past pervasive denial), imagine solution scenarios, rank them in order of doability, rank them in order of how "Low Hanging Fruit" they are, and articulate the least evil of them. Given that the incumbent scenario is not a bed of roses.

Private Reply to Bala Pillai (new win)

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