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..:INDIA BUSINESS CLUB:.. [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy BrandViews: 362
Apr 30, 2005 4:52 am re: Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy Brand

Nagarajan Vadivel
Hi all.
The discussion on Indian knowledge Economy Brand is timely, particularly so when the Indian Government is flush with World Bank's 300 Million Dollars to be spent on E-governanne that too within a period of three years.
Some of the replies to the main post will trigger discussion on further finetuning the scope and sweep of Indian knowledge economy.
India as a whole after undergoing the truma of Tsunmi realised that though we are very close to a global village we are yet very far to reach the local villages. When Money poured from outside in no time the same never reached the affected in time. Hence Indian knowledge economy must be designed in such a manner that it will reach the base of the pyramid. Then the question will be how to irrigate information to the broader spectrum of the economy. How to domesticate the enabling technology to suit to the requirement of the people?
Indian Knowledge Economy Brand must first address the issues of info poverty to empower the people to adrees the issue of economic poverty.

"There are only three things we can give--education, organisation and discipline."
E. F. Schmacher, in the book, Small is Beautiful
Are we planning the brand just for the moment, or for long term rebuilding of communities?
Innocent and helpless are not helped by mere aid/donations directly. They are helped by caring and self-reliant local communities around them.
The efforts to promote the brand can help strengthen the local communities who can share the common community resources to rebuild. As an outsider to those communities, we can help more with our personal energy and less with our money: volunteering, teaching, training for empowerment and economic wealth generation.. I have seen NGOs working with the poorest of the poor, and the best organizations always emphasize empowerment and leadership training. This is because the poorest have the resources to solve their own problems. Often all they lack is the confidence to work together as group.

"Nothing truly valuable arises from ambition or from a mere sense of duty; it stems rather from love and devotion toward men and toward objective things."

Albert Einstein
As rightly pointed out here the work needs in addtion to contemplation and conceptual clarification the identification and adoption of right type of knowledge workers and technologies which are simple to use.
The enabling technology will help us to recreate the second orality - the recreation of communities in the cyberspace to address and ameliorate the nagging issues of economy which affects millions. How to harness the technology to enable the people to use it as a tool of empowerment to create thousands of micro enterprises in the physical space to improve their living standard.
Mr.Bala has opened the importnat issue of twenty first century. We will think, act and work together to make things happen.

Private Reply to Nagarajan Vadivel (new win)

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