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..:INDIA BUSINESS CLUB:.. [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy BrandViews: 357
May 11, 2005 1:56 am Partners for New Education Method Trial

Bala Pillai
-----Original Message-----
From: Bala Pillai [mailto:bala@apic.net]
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2005 10:56 AM
To: 'Sangkancil'; 'minciu_sodas_en@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: Partners for New Education Method Trial (That Repairs Sense-Making)

Dear all,

I wrote this at the European Problem-Solving/Business Artistry community at http://www.openbc.com/cgi-bin/forum.fpl?op=showarticles&page=1&id=480444#487021 as part of the "Good is the Enemy of Great: Why?" thread.

If you are committed, let's partner on it.

Hey Thilo,

>On 07/05/2005, 8:04 pm, Thilo Mutter wrote:
>Hey, Bala,
>this is transcendental transmission! I just work on an image film
>that is about evolutionary improvement and this is precisely the
>story of good to better to great.

More transcendentals must be cooking in my head. When I first read this, my response was like "oh..good".

But through events happening over the days and what must have been lots of criss-cross connections amongst the neurons while I was sleeping last night, and the idea I came up with, it is like "Eureka!".

Question: can you ask your client if they'd be interested in using their and your acumen to prioritise doing this evolutionary film you are doing, and all the thought processes that leds up to them doing so, to evolve it for a lucrative venture for Asia with me?

Right now there is billions of dollars worth of time wasted in Asia because of weak sense-making structures. There is a huge loss in the process of the following learning steps:-

a) me think and essence

b) me write it

c) folks try to understand it and connect the dots with it.

d) This is where billions are lost -- most can't because the comprehension state is an overly confused mix of memetics and rhetoric atop neurosis. See "What Is Knowledge?" at http://www.tamil.net/node/226

e) Next some might understand it but because of servileness, folks are so used to needing very specific instructions before they can act. My experience -- if they went for it and we provided:-

"it is okay to fail -- go ahead -- and we'll provide you environments that enable you to learn from your mistakes. Just like what your mother did when you learnt how to walk as a child -- she didn't ridicule you if you fall down",

environments, we would go heaps further. The cost of the losses will be more than covered (just like in the credit card and insurance business) by the pluses that come from greater comfort, less neurosis, experiential learning and less spectatorishness [1] in society. Right now the "translation" costs of translating an abstract into specific actions is too high and too fraught with mistakes. Folks for example thought that lots of bureaucracy (i.e. many policy manuals etc will solve the problem -- no, this remedy is worse than the malady when the sense-making framework is screwed). That is part of the reason why Asia minus Japan is nowhere near producing the quantum inventions it once produced.

f) And in inventive areas, because of high amounts of inherent anxiety, even if you get down to explaining the details, nine of ten folks don't do it, because of another set of reasons (eg 1) they are under-aware of themselves and 2) they do not value the time it takes for a person to go through this process for anywhere near its worth. And unwittingly, they do not think twice about stealing time and brain in broad daylight. Since many do it, it is treated as okay. The effects of stealing time and brain and the effects of the effects, does not occur to most.)

How do we get this new way going? Let that be between you and me and your client for a while. I know it exactly and I can give you "before" and "after" lifecycle examples.

This will benefit societies other than Asia too. I mention Asia, because this is where I have already invested in many connections. Also Asian parents more so than many other societies are obsessed with spending on childrens' education, so we just need to attach some big names in children's education I know and demonstrate this new visual, sense-making-repair-oriented experiential learning process.


[1] See "Turning Problems Into Money: How?" at http://www.malaysia.net/node/150 for the huge costs to society of those who have mostly gone through inexperiential-education and who talk too much without experience. The cost of empty vessels in the last 2 categories of "some make the world happen, more watch the world happen and most wonder what happened"

Bala Pillai bala@apic.net
Knowledge Economy Brands-in-the-making (since 1995)
Knowledge Management + Social Networks + Citizen Journalism + Complementary Currency
See http://www.malaysia.net/bala-interview
http://www.malaysia.net http://www.tamil.net http://www.singapore.net http://www.indonesia.net http://www.teleindia.com

Some people make the world happen, more watch the world happen, most wonder what happened.

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