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..:INDIA BUSINESS CLUB:.. [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy BrandViews: 585
May 11, 2005 12:14 pm Sharing Acumen With Young Malaysian Strategists

Bala Pillai
From: Bala Pillai [mailto:bala@apic.net]
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2005 8:17 PM
To: 'koampast malaysia'; 'myshinshin@gmail.com'; 'jeq5000@yahoo.com'; 'pacwattan@yahoo.co.uk'; 'fikri_ashman@yahoo.com'; 'haneas@tm.net.my'; 'niknazmi@yahoo.com'; 'imin95@yahoo.com'; 'jasmine0981@yahoo.com'; 'farewell2theking@yahoo.co.uk'; 'qurratun_ainun@yahoo.com'; 'the_redland@yahoo.com'; 'saraa_shahril@yahoo.com'
Cc: 'Sangkancil'
Subject: RE: Koalisi Maya bagi Pemikiran Strategik (KOAMPAST)


Minta maaf kerana saya jawab dalam Bahasa Inggeris sebab Bahasa Inggeris saya lebih tepat. Tidak dapat cukup peluang untuk mengunakan Bahasa Malaysia saya walaupun suka gunakannya lebih.

This is a super idea and you have my backing.

You ask us to choose an area. My inclination is to be overall because that is my strength and inclination – in synthesising what matters most of what matters in each field and synthesising them because at the end of the day what matters most is “what is the maximum resistance-to-learning we can destroy with the minimum human resources” – put another way, how can we be as much a benevolent Bin Laden as possible. Astute humans organise all other resources.

One of the reasons for this is I find more and more that my mind works more like one of the beings in Nature eg the cross between a tiger and a tree who do not divide the world into “education, economics, youth etc” – I find the divisions more problematic than useful given the weak “connecting-the-dots” faculties. If I were a tree what is the equivalent of education, politics, economics, youth for me? Don’t assume that there are no equivalents – there are! For example, my roots learn by experience how to sniff for and find tidbits of moisture wherever it is. That might be part education (because my roots learn). But they are not as compartmentalised and not as wrought by inexperiential impressions as they are for humans. I often ask myself how our brethren in the jungles of Malaysia and our ancestors who sailed to Madagascar ages ago, did quite well thank you very much without all these compartments of so-called-knowledge that we today call knowledge.

So you could say I’m a meta-strategist. I go beyond the words and terms into the naked notions. And I combine the notions like beings in Nature of the natives in the jungles would and as I do that see the world with quite different lenses than what inexperiential-educated do. These divisions were useful as a ladder to reach a level, but once you reach a high level, these ladders are more a hindrance to connecting the dots than a help. Of much greater use are the divisions memetics, semiotics, rhetoric and reason – the carriers of meaning for humans. And from meaning or lack thereof is born everything else, tangibles and intangibles included.

Memetics = memes are to mind as genes are to body
Semiotics = the deeper an issue, the more we get meaning from the cover of the book than the book itself
Rhetoric = Advertising, Marketing, “N Wrongs Make a Right etc”
Reason = that precious cognitive faculty that differentiates a few humans from most of mankind and the rest of animalkind

Can I suggest that we use emerging Knowledge Economy oasis www.malaysia.net for these purposes?

Will send you my background separately.

Am cc’ing Sangkancil so we get more who might be interested in your tribe, so that it may find the threshold of commitment to take off sooner rather than later.

Bala Pillai bala@apic.net
Knowledge Economy Brands-in-the-making (since 1995)
Knowledge Management + Social Networks + Citizen Journalism + Complementary Currency
See http://www.malaysia.net/bala-interview
http://www.malaysia.net http://www.tamil.net http://www.singapore.net http://www.indonesia.net http://www.teleindia.com

Some people make the world happen, more watch the world happen, most wonder what happened.

From: koampast malaysia [mailto:koampast@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, 9 May 2005 12:09 PM
To: myshinshin@gmail.com; jeq5000@yahoo.com; pacwattan@yahoo.co.uk; fikri_ashman@yahoo.com; haneas@tm.net.my; niknazmi@yahoo.com; imin95@yahoo.com; bala@apic.net; jasmine0981@yahoo.com; farewell2theking@yahoo.co.uk; qurratun_ainun@yahoo.com; the_redland@yahoo.com; saraa_shahril@yahoo.com
Subject: Koalisi Maya bagi Pemikiran Strategik (KOAMPAST)

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera semua,

Saya telah mengambil keputusan untuk menubuhkan sebuah virtual think tank yang akan dikenali sebagai Koalisi Maya bagi Pemikiran Strategik (KOAMPAST). Untuk ini, saya ingin menjemput saudara/saudari sebagai sebahagian dari koalisi ini sebagai Fellow Maya bagi bidang-bidang berikut:

1) Fellow Maya bagi Kajian Politik
2) Fellow Maya bagi Kajian Ekonomi
3) Fellow Maya bagi Kajian Sosial
4) Fellow Maya bagi Kajian Budaya
5) Fellow Maya bagi Kajian Pendidikan
6) Fellow Maya bagi Kajian Alam Sekitar

Jika saudara/saudari punya cadangan bagi penambahan bidang, sila utarakan. Dalam email balas saudara/saudari, nyatakan juga bidang mana yang menjadi minat saudara/saudari, saudara/saudari boleh menghantar terus tulisan/pandangan/ulasan/idea/gagasan jika ada. Mohon supaya saudara/saudari juga boleh menyediakan serba-sedikit profil peribadi saudara/saudari. Saya faham bahawa sesetengah saudara/saudari tidak mahu identiti saudara/saudari dikenalpasti, untuk itu saya akan mengolah profil itu supaya kelihatan umum dan melindung diri saudara/saudari dari dikenalpasti.

Saya harap untuk mendengar sesuatu dari saudara/saudari semua. Tentulah pada masa akan datang kita akan merancang aktiviti-aktiviti yang berbentuk intelectual discourse.

"komuniti maya anak muda yang berfikir"

Mohd Zukri Aksah
Virtual Director, KOAMPAST
Mobile: 013-951 3280

Private Reply to Bala Pillai (new win)

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