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..:INDIA BUSINESS CLUB:.. [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy BrandViews: 318
May 11, 2005 4:28 pm re: Partners for New Education Method Trial
Shobha(usha) gowri Bala
Yes-a big yes and yes bec it has to happen if we need to salvage and build

"This will benefit societies other than Asia too. I mention Asia, because this is where I have already invested in many connections. Also Asian parents more so than many other societies are obsessed with spending on childrens' education, so we just need to attach some big names in children's education I know and demonstrate this new visual, sense-making-repair-oriented experiential learning process"
So true...so true and more importantly those resources didnt come cheap or easy

I will provide you the platform-I have fanned out to the small towns and villages of South India-helping them to see themselves better-to think and to have a better understanding of the world they will come into once out of their colleges-I also go to schools bec that is where I believe we can create the next new powerful generation of thinkers and inventors-and by thinkers I dont have philosophers in mind-but the creators...the people who will take risks-face failures but still give their innovative creative minds a chanceToday you could adopt schools if you are interested and /or work with schools in remote/rural why even urban areas like Bangalore-
This is what I can provide right away and knowing you these years I know how powerful this is going to be-and you will also meet a lot of like minded people
I am in Netherlands in June and am working with groups that will ,through emotional intelligence ,help school kids develop their selves-do you see an integration there?-I would love to hear your views on this
I also look forward to

"How do we get this new way going? Let that be between you and me and your client for a while. I know it exactly and I can give you "before" and "after" lifecycle examples"

Warm regards

Private Reply to Shobha(usha) gowri (new win)

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