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..:INDIA BUSINESS CLUB:.. [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy BrandViews: 290
May 18, 2005 5:47 am re: re: Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy Brand

Bala Pillai

Hi Leo,

Thanks for engaging. First of all, this project is happening thanks to energy from overseas. Serious response here will accelerate it. But to your secondary question -- my view: first we have to ask what is a reasonable response to expect.

And what is the basis of this expectation? For example, all else being equal, the more old, tried and tested, the greater the comprehension, the less the objection, the more the responses.

Conversely, the newer, the less references there are to imagine off, the lesser the comprehension, the greater the objections, the less the responses.

We then have to ask whether this phase in the lifecycle from pre-conception of an idea (parallel to someone courting prior to sex) to full-grown service (parallel to someone who has made it in life), can be avoided or if it is an integral part of the life-cycle, a part of the awareness raising/learning-through-exposure process.

So given a more perceptiveness-rich and reasoned stance, what would your expectations be?

There is money in this. Those who have the acumen to be early adopters, will know that one of the biggest job of a co-owner is articulating and deciding upon the quid pro quo. Between us, we will determine who owns what -- there are lots of network-centric ownership model options, and we can choose one of from.


Private Reply to Bala Pillai (new win)

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