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Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy BrandViews: 276
Jun 09, 2005 1:52 am Fear of Brainwashing or are we in it already?

Bala Pillai
Potential Make-the-world-happen friends,

A buzzing conversation at our neighbours here, the Muhibbah Malaysia network on whether default we are brainwashed already or not. You might want to engage in it here, there or both.


re: re: re: re: re: re: Fear of Brainwashing or are we in it already? Bala Pillai


1. So how do you explain the large number of babies who were born curious, imaginative and fascinated but as they grew up have become negative, unimaginative, and dumbed-down sucked oranges?

Is that not brainwashing by their parents?

By way of an ongoing pattern of statements like "don't ask questions", "don't go there -- got hantu one" and over-protection (as compared to how the rest of the beings in Nature eg birds bring up their children). Parents who might have themselves been brainwashed by their parents and not known any better (and some of whom are becoming the wiser now)?

See http://www.flexible-learning.org/eng/main_english.htm

2. It is commonly accepted now that unlearning is one of the highest needs of the hour. What does this mean? Does it not mean that we "learnt" stuff that hinders us? Where did we "learn" it from? How come we learnt so much that we have to unlearn? Is that normal for beings in Nature to learn so much that they have to unlearn or is that unique to humans? If it is unique humans, does that not go against common sense? Why would we have learnt stuff that is self-destructive? Was some of it brainwashed onto us?


> Romuald Navin wrote:
> chief,
>Read the article...
>I still stand by my answer.. :)
>> Bala Pillai wrote:
>> Romuald,
>>If I may ask, did you read "What is Knowledge?" at http://www.malaysia.net/node/1503 ?
>>If not, please do and let me know if your answer changes.
>>I might be wrong, but I sense you havn't.
>>> Romuald Navin wrote:
>>> Hola Bala,
>>>Personally, am more inclined to disagree with the notion of us already being "brainwashed".
>>>I'm of the school that believes, for most parts, most folks are just lazy to "think" and lack alternatives. Large percentage of folks merely accept concepts/features/ideas "as is" rather than dicerning its true value and meaning.

Bala Pillai bala@apic.net
Knowledge Economy Brands-in-the-making (since 1995)
Knowledge Management + Social Networks + Citizen Journalism + Complementary Currency
See http://www.malaysia.net/bala-interview
http://www.malaysia.net http://www.tamil.net http://www.singapore.net http://www.indonesia.net http://www.teleindia.com

Some people make the world happen, more watch the world happen, most wonder what happened.

Private Reply to Bala Pillai (new win)

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