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..:INDIA BUSINESS CLUB:.. [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy BrandViews: 282
Jun 21, 2005 10:10 am Are we in a Renaissance or could it be a false start?

Bala Pillai

From: Bala Pillai [mailto:bala@apic.net]
: Tuesday, 21 June 2005 7:51 PM
To: 'act-km@yahoogroups.com'
Cc: 'Sangkancil'; 'malaysiaindians@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: RE: [act-km] Re: Practical KM and good news stories.


Dear all,


Folks who lived through the 60s in the US, when they were going through the 60s, didn’t think of it as a leap in mental evolution, as we do now. In all likelihood, ditto with the Renaissance. We are either in the early stages of a Renaissance or in the verge of it in Malaysia and in the Tamil diaspora world. Turbo-charged societal “Knowledge Management” driven by a determined nucleus of folks is why. And the intrigue is “how and how come a significant portion of  it was energised from Sydney”. Click on URL below for complete thread.



re: re: re: What do you guys usually use Ryze for?#<![if !vml]><![endif]>

Bala Pillai


Hi Thomas,

Malacca, circa 1400 during the Spice Trade, was *the* happening place on planet Earth.

It was a bustling place where the most adventurous Indians, Arabs, Chinese & Malays got to see perspectives that they would otherwise not have been exposed to in their home locations.

So bustling that news of it in Europe had many Europeans wanting to come to Southeast Asia. This is at a time when England was a basket-case of a country.

My passion is to rekindle the balls and the brains. Which will rekindle the imagination and creation. Which will have more of us perceive and think more precisely.

I was doing this via online communities -- eg Sangkancil at Malaysia.Net is the first Malaysian online community since 1995. Because it was text based, and because Malaysians and Indians have so much blindspots, it dawned on me that the best way is to have those that I am trying to influence to be exposed to Western lifestyles, mindsets and talk-patterns to create waves in Malaysian imagination.

Thus I went on a massive spree to invite and pester every Asian I knew onto Ryze.

Do a search on the Muhibbah archives to sense the plethora of initiatives I hatch under the "Inventiveness/Imagination" umbrella. And you'll sense the huge opportunities there are for the imaginative and the evil caused by those who are reactively (as contrasted with contemplatively) negative.

I went through your page -- let's join forces. Next step: let me sense how low or how high your ceiling is - I need the tiny minority of folks who are ready for what is by Malaysian standards very high ceilings.[1]


[1] If you have the unasked [2] question that most Malaysians have -- why? Why does what I do appear very high to them? It is because of low foresight, low exposure, low grasp of causality across history, high resistance to learning and fatalism -- see "Why one line made US$350 million for Hotmail?" at http://www.tamil.net/node/133

[2] And this is one of the roots of it -- huge huge amount of unasked questions. Why? No balls maah! Tala kotai laah!


Click on http://www.ryze.com/posttopic.php?topicid=495300&confid=658 for rest of thread.




Bala Pillai  bala@apic.net

Sydney, Australia

Knowledge Economy Brands-in-the-making (since 1995)

Knowledge Management + Social Networks + Citizen Journalism + Complementary Currency

Roadmap: http://www.malaysia.net/bala-interview  Profile/Vision: http://www.ryze.com/go/bala

http://www.malaysia.net  http://www.tamil.net http://www.singapore.net http://www.indonesia.net http://www.teleindia.com (soon)

Ph: +61 2 9807 8589   IM (Yahoo/MSN): bala2pillai


Some people make the world happen, more watch the world happen, most wonder what happened.


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