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..:INDIA BUSINESS CLUB:.. [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Building *The* Indian Knowledge Economy BrandViews: 242
Sep 10, 2005 9:29 pm Conceptualisers & Solopreneur Ecosystems

Bala Pillai
I posted this at the Solopreneur Network here on Ryze at http://www.ryze.com/posttopic.php?topicid=548330&confid=1634 where a conversation is growing.

Dear all,

I'm wondering if there are any conceptualisers here for Solopreneur Ecosystems.

What do I mean?

Problems = Opportunities

No problems = No Opportunities

There are tons of problems out there. Default, they are opportunities.

Social Innovation and inventiveness is happening in the periphery, the edge. For example, in Australia, the ISP industry was not started by the big guys, it was kickstarted by littluns like me with rebellious 15 year old Linux hacks. Another example, Instant Messaging's acceptance happened among solopreneurs and individuals way before they could permeate into corporates. Ditto with homepages and blogs. And my view: the race has not even begun. The energy to adapt is in the periphery where we solopreneurs HAVE to track the best knowledge to reduce ambiguity and HAVE to adapt -- we don't have secure paychecks.

Now what if we made it all lots more easier for all of us. Instead of us marketing and selling our butts off, how about taking a step back and seeing marketing and selling for what it is -- we have a solution that is looking for a problem, correct? How about turning the tables? How about organising platforms where we have the best under or unsolved problems to surface and we solve them?


Default, the harder the problem, the greater the reward, the lesser the competition, the more uncertain resourcing is.

The easier a problem, the lesser the reward, the greater the competition, the more certain resourcing is.

Low hanging fruits lie in the sweetspot between "not too hard a problem" such that resourcing is so uncertain and "not too easy a problem" such that competition makes the rewards so unworthwhile.

See http://www.malaysia.net/node/150 for examples to illustrate this.

See "Ecosystems Thinking for Mind Ecosystems" on my Ryze page for the mental model.

Who here wants to join me in creating solopreneur ecosystems as add-ons to social networks like Ryze, Linkedin.com etc? And to online communities.


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