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ABHP - A Bit of Humble Pie [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Is the grass really greener over the fence?Views: 162
May 25, 2008 3:43 am re: re: Is the grass really greener over the fence?

Eileen Brown
Hey Lindy.

Yes, I must agree Teddy. I read the blog and then onto the diamonds and gold. I took a little break to do this too.
The funny thing is I posted a "backyard" story today in another network. Here is a piece of that:


"...On a brighter note. Our cat was killed two weeks ago. OK,
that is definately NOT a brighter note. I won't explain
now as it is still a very sore spot for me to visit. The
bright note though is that I saw a small rabbit in the back
yard this morning. Very cute, very welcome and it made me
wonder if I will be over run with small bunnies now that I
don't have a feline in the yard. I was very delighted by
this but also wonder how many more are there, just waiting
to eat the daisies? This will be a wait and see
situation! lol. I live very close to a heavily wooded
area so critters in the yard is not new but I bet I do see
more of them now that my beloved Gusto has moved onto
another plane of existence.

Don't have much happening in the way of family stuff this
weekend but sometimes we have those spontaneous gatherings
that turn out to be some of the best. Maybe THAT will
happen. I think I'd like it, if it does.

Have a great weekend - keep your chin up - look for bunnies
in the yard..."


This little piece to cheer someone up and let them know
they are not alone in the daily struggle we all face
to "bring home the bacon" or just get from one day to the
next with "life happens."

Yes, also to taking care of clients who have been around
for awhile (or a very long time) and not forgetting how
important they are to us.

Another odd thing. I saw another little bunny tonight
just beyond the deck, this one smaller than the one this
morning. I suppose this means I need to put out bunny
food. (?) My gardening guy asked me this past week where all
the plants were for this season, wasn't I pretty late with
that this year? I told him I'd make sure to get that
shopping done before his next visit. And this week I will.
How else are those baby bunnies going to survive if I don't
provide them a vegetable garden to ransack?

Eileen :)

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