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How Did Marilyn Start Her Business? A True Tale of Synchronicity and GuidanceViews: 801
Oct 28, 2006 8:02 pm re: re: How Did Marilyn Start Her Business? A True Tale of Synchronicity and Guidance

Dawn Khan
Afzal speaks my opinion beautifully.

Marilyn, there IS an interest and a market for the business approach to your story. Why would people not be interested in someone who encourages people to summon the personal strength to live and grow and dream big?

You get to control how much or little they learn about your personal life-- and if you stick to the business results-- you know what-- THAT is compelling! People spend over 1/2 of their time in the week at work trying to get the business results you gather.. Believe me, that is enough.. Abundance of inspiration, that is in your story.. Dreaming big, and staying connected to that infinite source of possibility.. That too is in your story.

There are way too many "How To" books that are written as yet another recipe for success-- whether tested and true or not.

What appeals to many about your story is it wraps the laws of abundance principles into a story about how you DID apply them to gain results. When people hear those stories, it becomes a spring board to their imagination, that they can apply in their own living.

You own the privacy, you made the life, you own the rights..

Your success IS compelling, it would be compelling if it was written by you or as a fictional character, inspired by you, because it talks about how to achieve results-- not to make a unachieveable goal, but how to transform your ordinary life for extraordinary results.. There is nobility, pride, and creativity to the path you have chosen-- others are interested in how they do that for themselves and that is the appeal!

I just watched an interview with Arianna Huffington, and her new book is also a personal story on fearlessness-- this willingness to say and do and be your best genuine self regardless of judgement.. That is what I aspire to do and be.. AND I am inspired by others who embody the boldness to live and be their personal best.

I am in good company here. With you. and others.

Ryze Winning Career Strategies: http://hfcnwinningcareers-network.ryze.com/

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