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Touched (and Formatted) by an Angel :-)Views: 381
Apr 13, 2007 10:00 am Touched (and Formatted) by an Angel :-)

Marilyn Jenett

An Angel came into my life this week. I just have to share.

As most of you know, I had completed my "True (Entrepreneurial) Tale of Synchronicity and Guidance" - my personal story that has evolved here on the network since last September.

Early on, I attracted an agent and offer to sell the story to a major publishing house (even though the story was not originally intended as a book, the Universe obviously had other plans). The agent has been waiting for me to convert the story to the manuscript and get it to him.

Although I have learned to use the computer well for most purposes, I really only know the basics when it comes to Microsoft Word. I began researching the requirements for a properly formatted manuscript and discovered that there are definite standards for the publishing industry - and adhering to those standards can make a major difference to the publishing houses. I was determined to submit a professional product. The right font, the right margins, the right indents, two spaces following every period and colon, the right layout of title page, and on and on. A laundry list of requirements.

My content was complete. But the formatting task was overwhelming.

I actually got on the Internet and searched out editors for hire. But I soon discovered that professional editors edit for content and story structure, not for manuscript formatting. And I didn't need anyone to edit my content.

Well, I jumped in and started the task of formatting my several hundred pages. This very quickly transformed into the psychological equivalent of pulling my hair out. :-) Then in a plea for help, my webmaster's assistant told me about "Find and replace", etc. and that did lighten things up a bit. But I knew there were many more bells and whistles hiding in Word that "real" writers must know about. :-)

By page 96 or so (formatting a page or two at a time), I had had it. I sat looking at my computer knowing that I could not do one more piece-meal section of this manuscript. Since I didn't know how to set Word up to make the changes "global" and consistent, I couldn't go on. I said...

"Universe, you take care of this. Send me an angel."

I didn't return to the manuscript. This was this past week.

Now, backtrack just a bit. A few weeks ago, I conducted my teleclass on "Understanding Universal Laws" and a woman Ryzer signed up for it. I recall that when I saw her website, revolving around women entrepreneurs, I felt prompted to write to her. I didn't really know why. We exchanged a brief note about possibly doing some kind of joint venture and I forgot about it. I just knew that I liked her.

Back to the present. Suddenly I receive a note two days ago from this woman, stating that she just wanted to follow up about doing some type of joint venture together. We connected on the telephone and discussed my offering a teleclass for her membership site.

But then...the conversation took an entirely different turn in a strikingly different direction. Suddenly a part of her life came out that was not noted anywhere on her website or discussed earlier in the conversation.

I was now discovering that this women is an expert in editing books and transcripts, formatting manuscripts, and in fact, provides that service for publishers. She knows the manuscript requirements of publishing houses and has an amazing gift for editing content as well. She belongs to writers' organizations and subscribes to important writers' publications so her knowledge is constantly updated. I was deeply impressed at her overall knowledge of publishing and its details.

I sent her my manuscript less than 24 hours ago. She has already tackled the job and the manuscript will be done in a couple of days. She has caught important items that I didn't. I'm thoroughly impressed.

Who is this angel, you ask?

Her name is Angel. Angel Brown, now one of our own.

She is a part of my never-ending "tale of synchronicity and guidance." Thank you, Angel.

First, an angel named Linda Alexander arrived to offer support and encouragement that inspired this first-time "author" to keep moving forward. And her poignant Foreword for my book brought tears.

Then a virtual gathering of angels showed up right here to cheer me on as I wrote my story.

And now another angel arrived, not only offering her own support for the story, but the much needed technical support that will help transform this story into a real world product.

Thank you Universe for your synchronicity and guidance and for sending your angels. We know about the Law of Attraction. I think I have discovered the Law of Satisfaction. :-)

~ Marilyn


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