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Great quotesViews: 337
Mar 28, 2006 2:25 pm re: re: re: re: Great quotes - The whole lot that i have

Srinivasan Narayana Moorthy
People rise to the challenge when it is their challenge. - Belasco & Stayer

Love does not consist of gazing at each other.. but in looking together in the same direction!

As you climb the ladder of success, make sure its leaning against the right building

Don’t take life too seriously, nobody yet, has got out alive

The good judgment we have as human beings provides the best judgment for what we need in business
-Dalla Costa

Nothing is Foolproof... To a sufficiently Talented fool!

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself. -- Og Mandino

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. -- Norman MacEwan

Wherever you go, whomever you meet, look for an opportunity to help, to inspire, to lend support. -- Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

The charity that is a trifle to us can be precious to others. -- Homer

Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others. -- Brian Tracy

The duty of helping one's self in the highest sense involves the helping of one's neighbors. -- Samuel Smiles

One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of attention. -- Jim Rohn

You can't be too kind or too generous. -- Patricia Fripp

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. Maryilyn vos Savant

Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind. Leonardo da Vinci

Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.
-- Denis Waitley

Every area of trouble gives out a ray of hope; and the one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable. -- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Pursue not so much the material as the ideal, for ideals alone invest life with meaning and are of enduring worth. -- Denis Waitley

Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands. But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them you will reach your destiny. -- Carl Schurz

No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come. -- Victor Hugo

One of the wonderful aspects of the human imagination is its power to break through the barriers of time and space. It can see things not as they are but as the can be. -- Denis Waitley

The man who has no imagination has no wings. -- Muhammad Ali

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. -- Albert Einstein

One of the greatest assets you have is your imagination. -- Mark Victor Hansen

Walk away from the 97% crowd. Don't use their excuses. Take charge of your own life. -- Jim Rohn

If you would be successful, first you must walk hand-in-hand and side-by-side with successful people. -- Nido Qubein

One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than a hundred teaching it. -- Knute Rockne

The ideas I stand for are not mine. I borrowed them from Socrates. I swiped them from Chesterfield. I stole them from Jesus. And I put them in a book. If you don't like their rules, whose would you use? -- Dale Carnegie

Attitude is greatly shaped by influence and association. Jim Rohn

There are two parts to influence: First, influence is powerful; and second, influence is subtle. You wouldn't let someone push you off course, but you might let someone nudge you off course and not even realize it. Jim Rohn

Success is the prize for those who stand true to their ideas! -- Josh S. Hinds

Your word is more valuable than a surety bond. -- Denis Waitley

Honesty is the first chapter in the Book of Wisdom. Let it be our endeavor to merit the character of a just nation. -- Thomas Jefferson

The virtue of man ought to be measured, not by his extraordinary exertions, but by his everyday conduct. -- Blaise Pascal

Every act of self-discipline increases your confidence, trust, and belief in yourself and your abilities. Brian Tracy

If you're not willing to accept your own discipline, you're not going to accomplish two percent of what you could--and you're going to miss out on 98% of the good things you could have. Tom Hopkins

Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself. Abraham Joshua Heschel

The only competition you will ever have is the competition between your disciplined and undisciplined mind. James A. Ray

Positive self-discipline puts you in the driver's seat. When you rehearse the correct moves and internalize them, you will become a high-performance human being. Denis Waitley

Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.

-Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.
-The only man behaved sensibly with me was my tailor; he took my measurements anew everytime he saw me, while all the rest went on their old measurements and expected them to fit me.(G.B.SHAW)

Now is the only time there is. Make your now wow, your minutes miracles, and your days pay. Your life will have been magnificently lived and invested, and when you die you will have made a difference. Mark Victor Hansen

Stop stewing and start doing! -- Denis Waitley

The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can. -- Richard Cushing

The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it. -- Norman Schwarzkopf

Each of us must do massive right thinking, take massive right action and get massive right results, right here, right now. -– Mark Victor Hansen

Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolutions. -- Kahlil Gibran

On the whole, my impression is that mercy bears richer fruits than any other attribute. -- Abraham Lincoln

A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person. -- Dave Barry

I believe...that every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to another. -- Thomas Jefferson

The effective leader recognizes that she is more dependent on her people than they are on her. Walk softly. -- Brian Tracy

If you wish others to believe in you, you must first convince them that you believe in them. -- Harvey Mackay

Failing organizations are usually over-managed and under-led. -- Warren G. Bennis

When dealing with people, I generally take the obvious approach. When someone says, 'This always happens to me and that always happens to me. Why do these things always happen to me?' I simply say, 'Beats me. I don't know. All I know is that those kinds of things seem to happen to people like you.' -- Jim Rohn

Never let your memories be greater than your dreams. Doug Ivester

Handle challenges fast. If someone has a challenge with your product or service, take care of it right now. Tom Hopkins

It's a strange thing, you have said it thousands of times I am sure… you will never know what you can do until you try. However the sad truth is, that most people never try anything until they know they can do it. Bob Proctor

Focused mind power is one of the strongest forces on earth. -- Mark Victor Hansen

Above all be of single aim; have a legitimate and useful purpose, and devote yourself unreservedly to it. -- James Allen

The best advice I ever came across on the subject of concentration is: Wherever you are, be there. When you work, work. When you play, play. Don't mix the two. -- Jim Rohn

What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he know exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it. -- Alexander Graham Bell

Our plans miscarry if they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind. -- Seneca

I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without having a very sharp in-focus picture of it in my head. -- Jack Nicklaus

When every physical and mental resource is focused, one's power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously. -- Norman Vincent Peale

Every great human achievement is preceded by extended periods of dedicated, concentrated effort. -- Brian Tracy

It's the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance and sweeps away all obstacles. -- Claude M. Bristol

You will become as small as your controlling desire, or as great as your dominant aspiration. -- James Allen

There are no secrets to success: don't waste time looking for them. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty to those for whom you work, and persistence.

A person with big dreams is more powerful than a person with all the facts. Dayle Maloney

He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it. Dream lofty dreams and as you dream so shall you become... James Allen

Nothing is as real as a dream. The world can change around you, but your dream will not. Responsibilities need not erase it. Duties need not obscure it. Because the dream is within you, no one can take it away. Tom Clancy

The man who has no imagination has no wings. Muhammad Ali

I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday. -- Abraham Lincoln

All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth. -- Aristotle

It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated. -- Alec Bourne

The one real object of education is to have a man in the condition of continually asking questions. -- Bishop Mandell Creighton

A happy life is one which is in accordance with its own nature. -- Marcus Annaeus Seneca

I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well. -- Diane Ackerman

Most people are so busy knocking themselves out trying to do everything they think they should do, they never get around to do what they want to do. -- Kathleen Winsor

We can draw lessons from the past, but we cannot live in it. -- Lyndon B. Johnson

Most people spend more time planning a vacation or a party than they spend planning their lives. -- Denis Waitley

Being rich isn't about money. Being rich is a state of mind. Some of us, no matter how much money we have, will never be free enough to take time to stop and eat the heart of the watermelon. And some of us will be rich without ever being more than a paycheck ahead of the game. -- Harvey B. Mackay

Most people are too busy living life to ever put life in their living... -- Doug Firebaugh

Sophistication and lifestyle is understanding the difference between trinkets and treasures. -- Jim Rohn

All successful men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose. Brian Tracy

To attract attractive people, you must be attractive. To attract powerful people, you must be powerful. To attract committed people, you must be committed. Instead of going to work on them, you go to work on yourself. If you become, you can attract.

We can have more than we've got because we can become more than we are.

The big challenge is to become all that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to the human spirit to maximize your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit.

Pity the man who inherits a million dollars and who isn't a millionaire. Here's what would be pitiful: If your income grew and you didn't.

The most important question to ask on the job is not What am I getting? The most important question to ask on the job is What am I becoming?

It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development.

After you become a millionaire, you can give all of your money away because what's important is not the million dollars; what's important is the person you have become in the process of becoming a millionaire.

Income seldom exceeds personal development.

What you become directly influences what you get.

One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man who has it for 30 years who makes a success of his life. Edward B. Butler

Shameless self-promotion is not only desirable, it's essential. Advertise yourself! -- Patricia Fripp

Ninety percent of the success of any product or service is its promotion and marketing. -- Mark Victor Hansen

Exposure plus 95 cents might buy you a decent cup of coffee. The key is to 'position' yourself in your market as the expert, the resource, the only person your prospect would ever even THINK of doing business with, or referring to others. -- Bob Burg

Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. -- Peter Drucker

The only way to live is to accept each minute as an unrepeatable miracle, which is exactly what it is - a miracle and unrepeatable. -- Margaret Storm Jameson

The next time it begins to rain... lie down on your belly, nestle your chin into the grass, and get a frog's-eye view of how raindrops fall... The sight of hundreds of blades of grass bowing down and popping back up like piano keys strikes me as one of the merriest sights in the world. -- Malcolm Margolin

The world is full of poetry. The air is living with its spirit; and the waves dance to the music of its melodies, and sparkle in its brightness. -- Percival

Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles. -- Bob Richards

The truly liberated human being is not always fighting against something, but more frequently is fighting for something or someone. -- Denis Waitley

I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand. -- Baruch Spinoza

A professional is a person who can do his best at a time when he doesn't particularly feel like it. -- Alistair Cooke

A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist. -- Louis Nizer

Get excited and enthusiastic about your own dream. This excitement is like a forest fire -- you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away. Denis Waitley

When someone does something well, applaud! You will make two people happy. Samuel Goldwyn

Enthusiastic people experience life from the inside out. Nido Qubein

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The method of the enterprising is to plan with audacity and executive with vigor. Christian Bovee

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Of course inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -- Groucho Marx

Most homes valued at over $250,000 have a library. That should tell us something. -- Jim Rohn

Read something positive every night and listen to something helpful every morning. -- Tom Hopkins

Let us welcome controversial books and controversial authors. -- John F. Kennedy

Read an hour every day in your chosen field. This works out to about one book per week, 50 books per year, and will guarantee your success. -- Brian Tracy

A library, to modify the famous metaphor of Socrates, should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas-a place where history comes to life. -- Norman Cousins

The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read. -- Abraham Lincoln

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island... and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life. -- Walt Disney

If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians. -- Warren Buffett

These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves. -- Gilbert Highet

Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read at age three, and soon discovered there was a whole world to conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi. -- Oprah Winfrey

Excuses are the language of the failure, and the melody of the mediocre… -- Doug Firebaugh

The patient person accepts a certain amount of failure knowing that it is as important a thread in the fabric of life as is success. Great individuals make great successes out of failure. -- Denis Waitley

It doesn't matter how much milk you spill as long as you don't lose the cow. -- Harvey Mackay

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. -- Henry Ford

Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated; you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps. -- David Lloyd George

Do you know more about the things you Fear than the things you desire? -- Rick Beneteau

Refuse to let the fear of rejection hold you back. Remember, rejection is never personal. -- Brian Tracy

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. -- Madame Marie Curie

I am always doing things I can't do, that's how I get to do them. -- Pablo Picasso

Divide each difficulty into as many parts as necessary to resolve it. -- Rene Descartes

Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind. -- Leonardo da Vinci

You can surmount the obstacles in your path if you are determined, courageous and hard-working. Never be faint-hearted. Be resolute, but never bitter. -- Ralph J. Bunche

The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem. Theodore Rubin

The real winners in life are the people who look at every situation with an expectation that they can make it work or make it better. Barbara Pletcher

Let us be about setting high standards for life, love, creativity, and wisdom. If our expectations in these areas are low, we are not likely to experience wellness. Setting high standards makes every day and every decade worth looking forward to. Greg Anderson

Life... It tends to respond to our outlook, to shape itself to meet our expectations. Richard M. DeVos

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right. Henry Ford

Plan your progress carefully; hour-by hour, day-by-day, month-by-month. Organized activity and maintained enthusiasm are the wellsprings of your power. -- Paul J. Meyer

Develop the winning edge; small differences in your performance can lead to large differences in your results. -- Brian Tracy

Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. -- Jim Rohn

Everyday do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow. -- Doug Firebaugh

Progress, however, of the best kind, is comparatively slow. Great results cannot be achieved at once; and we must be satisfied to advance in life as we walk, step by step. -- Samuel Smiles

There is no sudden leap to greatness. Your success lies in doing, day by day. Your upward reach comes from working well and carefully. -- Max Steingart

Where many people go wrong in trying to reach their goals is in constantly looking for the big hit, the home run, the magic answer that suddenly transforms their dreams into reality. The problem is that the big hit never comes without a great deal of little hits first. Success in most things comes not from some gigantic stroke of fate, but from simple, incremental progress. -- Andrew Wood

It gives me great pleasure to converse with the aged. They have been over the road that all of us must travel and know where it is rough and difficult and where it is level and easy. Plato

I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism. -- Charles Schwab

You don’t have to fear defeat if you believe it may reveal powers that you didn’t know you possessed. -- Napolean Hill

The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. -- Walter Bagehot

We are never more discontented with others than when we are discontented with ourselves. The consciousness of wrongdoing makes us irritable, and our heart in its cunning quarrels with what is outside it, in order that it may deafen the clamour within. -- Henri Amiel

What you leave in your children, is more important than what you leave to them. -- Denis Waitley

Acting is just a way of making a living; the family is life. -- Denzel Washington

I've been very blessed. My parents always told me I could be anything I wanted. When you grow up in a household like that, you learn to believe in yourself. -- Rick Schroeder

Take time out every day for the important people in your life. -- Brian Tracy

It has meant a lot to me to challenge the best players in the world and to beat them. And it means a lot to me to be out here and fighting for the title and, you know, it hurts not to win it. -- Andre Agassi

Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting. And you don’t do that by sitting around. -- Katharine Hepburn

Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, ‘This is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude, follow it. -- William James

Your profession is not what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on earth to do with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling. -- Vincent Van Gogh

Trust your instincts. Your mistakes might as well be your own instead of someone else's. Billy Wilder

The good times we put in our pocket. The hard times we put into our heart. Les Brown

As we advance in life we learn the limits of our abilities. James A. Froude

Mistakes are painful when they happen, but years later a collection of mistakes is what is called experience. Denis Waitley

Somehow I can't believe that there are any heights
that can't be scaled by someone who knows the secrets
of making dreams come true. This special secret -
curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the
greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a
thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and

- Walt Disney (1901-1966)

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every
experience in which you really stop to look fear in the
face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through
this horror. I can take the next thing that comes
along.' ...You must do the thing you think you cannot

- Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)

Courage is, with love, the greatest gift. We are, each
of us, defeated many times, but if we accept defeat
with cheerfulness, and learn from it, and try another
way, then we will find fulfillment.

- Rosanne Ambrose-Brown

We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons. -- Jim Rohn

Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself. -- Abraham Joshua Heschel

Positive self-discipline puts you in the driver's seat. When you rehearse the correct moves and internalize them, you will become a high-performance human being. -- Denis Waitley

Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability. -- Roy L. Smith

The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it. -- General H. Norman Schwarzkopf

The most important quality in the development of human character is, and always has been, self discipline. -- Brian Tracy

Without discipline, there is no life at all. -- Katharine Hepburn

I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline... I firmly believe that any man's finest hour - this greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear – is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle, victorious. -- Vince Lombardi

---Those who do mistakes are the ones who act - those dont act dont stand to make a mistake.

Be curious always, for knowledge will not acquire you; you must acquire it. Sudie Back

Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind. Samuel Johnson

In spite of illness, in spite even of the archenemy sorrow, one can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways. Edith Wharton

I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity. Eleanor Roosevelt

I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious. Albert Einstein

Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will. James Stephens

Above all be of single aim; have a legitimate and useful purpose, and devote yourself unreservedly to it. James Allen

The better organized you are in the simple things, the more spontaneous and free you can be in the ore important things. -- Brian Tracy

Don't just do something, sit there! Sit there long enough each morning to decide what is really important during the day ahead. -- Richard Eyre

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. -- William Wadsworth

Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. -- Susan Ertz

There are two ways of exerting one's strength; one is pushing down, the other is pulling up. -- Booker T. Washington

If you train your mind to search for the positive things about other people, you will be surprised at how many good things you can observe in them and comment upon. -- Alan Loy Mcginnis

A man's life is interesting primarily when he had failed – for it's a sign that he tried to surpass himself. -- Georges Clemenceau

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. -- Charles A. Beard

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. -- Eddie Robinson

Success is living up to your potential. That's all. Wake up with a smile and go after life… Live it, enjoy it, taste it, smell it, feel it. -- Joe Kapp

Nothing is more common than unfulfilled potential. -- Howard Hendricks

No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see the possibilities - always see them, for they're always there. -- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he know exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it. Alexander Graham Bell

I think that fortune watcheth o'er our lives, surer than we. But well said: he who strives will find his goals strive for him equally. Euripides

he that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another than he whom you yourself have obliged

You only have one head so why wear all the hats? Rick Beneteau

If you would be rich, you will be rich; if you would be good, you will be good; if you would be learned, you will be learned. But wish for one thing exclusively, and don't at the same time wish for a hundred other incompatible things just as strongly. William James

Focused mind power is one of the strongest forces on earth. Mark Victor Hansen

The world needs role models, instead of critics.

Others know when you have their best interests at heart.

You are truly successful when you can extend a strong hand to someone who is reaching out or just trying to hang on.

Come through for others, and they will come through for you.

People who seek attention, need all the help they can get.

You know you’re a success when people tell you, I like me best when I'm with you.

If we succeed without sacrifice, it's because someone sacrificed for us.

Real power comes by empowering others!

Promises should not be given lightly unless you want them lightly received.

If I help you win, then I win too!

Private Reply to Srinivasan Narayana Moorthy (new win)

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