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Sanadhana Dharma Part IIIViews: 155
Mar 06, 2007 10:18 am re: re: re: Sanadhana Dharma

GR - Your points and my views,

"Let us assume that the bridge was man made. Let us also assume that the bridge was built by the vanarAs..........."

- Why to assume that the bridge was man made? Either it is natural formation as described and told by archeologists or the army of vanaras built it. Only these two assumptions are possible to consider for our discussion. From where this man made built the bridge arise?


"What was Ravana doing at that time? Why was he silent? The story goes to say Ravana....................."

The Hanumar goes as am ambassador to Srilanka and informs to King Ravana that if he does not release Sita devi war would be declared under the head of lord Ram. So it is not that Ravana was not aware of it. He was well informed and it was also a general practice then to inform in advance before commencing war. But Ravana was over confident that nobody can touch him and hence insulted Hanumar. Ravana rejected Infact, any peace proposal. He thought that even Prahasta might not require to defeat Rama. He was such underestimating and he was not at all concern about the action being taken or planned by lord Rama.

And the bridge was constructed with the blessing of Varuna - the god of ocean, after lord Rama meditating so that the waves and the surface water is supported like a bridge is formed in land.

"First of all for a great person like Ravana, to be keeping quiet watching a war coming unto to him seems unbelievable. Also, the whole epic if you see clandestinely degrades the shivaites and brings............"

The same 'great person' only could not lift Shivadanush during suyamvaram that wat done by lord Rama.

After the war lord Rama WORSHIPS lord Shiva in Rameswaram to nullify the dhosa of killing Ravana. So, it is evident that Rama accepted lord Shiva as his god. Hence the lord of Rameswarm (Shivan in lingam) is called as RAMANATHAN (he..he..my name). That is shiva is Nathan(supreme) for Rama. So, where is the degrading of Shivaties here? Infact, from this incident we would know that Shivaties have been respected. However, I am happy to note that you believe in Shivasm (Shiva) and Vainavism (Vishnu) by quoting (wrongly) that Shivaities have been degraded in Ramayana. And you yourself have written in your post that he is a terror. How come killing of a terror would become degrading of Shivaties?


"How is all of the above related to Rama's bridge? the very reason that............."

Let us not relate anything to Rama's bridge. But going by some prediction you said that the bridge is natural formation. I have raised my question in my previous post only based on this for which no answer has been given. Which means people are ready to believe or accept blindly if science group says something and we call that as rational approach even they are not in position to provide any answers for logical questions. For me this is miracle :-)

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