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Sanadhana Dharma Part IIIViews: 126
Mar 08, 2007 8:05 am re: Sanadhana Dharma
Bharath Cola Gyro - I posted the question purely on the english dictionary meaning of catalyst. There was nothing particularly convenient rf otherwise.

I firmly believe that the great sages of the past belonging to this soil - have woven the entire plethora of Gods and Goddesses primarily for the well being and a social order for the common man who does not and will not be able to ever in his life understand Brahmin's significance until and unless the common man seeks salvation, which is largely impractical for him living in the society with his bonds and desires. Hence for the greater good of formulating a society of order and systematic upliftment of the society, these sages over centuries of existence of their kind, must have engaged in creating the innumerable number of Gods/Goddesses so that for years to come, the order is the society is maintained for fear and respect of the entire lot of these heavenly characters.

after having left this mass mega serial of gods built with all relevant qualities for the common man to imbibe from, these great sages have also left the truth untouched for the common man who is willing to find the real truth of the existential order or in simple words - the value of realizing the Brahmin. so who ever does proceed in the path of realizing the Brahmin does not need these plethora of gods/goddesses for his quest.

I am indeed perplexed that someone of your understanding of the true state of Brahmin would still spend time and effort in proving the existence of GOD in its many forms.

I also believe the original version of SD in its purest form did not talk about Gods/Goddesses. The derivatives of simplifying the essence of SD by these sages have resulted in the talk of all our epics, so that man gets the innumerable messages of SD in simplified but yet powerful story form. The story is not important is my humble belief, but its implied morals are. Hence my wondering of why discuss the path - when the path itself is meant to reach the destination. Especially by someone who understands the essence of the destination.

I cannot comment on why ZEN is not practical. Nor will I call Buddha 'lord" because i am given to understand essentially Buddha was against idol worship but today the irony is he himself is worshipped by idols. that’s the sad state of humanity at large. I was also told that when Buddha ultimately choose to leave his earthly existence - he called the 7 kings of the neighboring countries and informed them that he is leaving this planet for good and gave his last discourse to those kings in taking his messages into their kingdoms. Eventually when he did leave his body I believe that the 7 kings fought over the rights of Buddha’s body to do the last rites!! that is the state of our humans even when they lived that closely with an enlightened soul like Buddha even before his warm body could become cold.

in that sense, yes - its better for the common man to continue believing in the non-existent god in its many forms so that his morality is at least at check in fear of the unknown.

but for the ones seeking the higher - my humble belief is to seek the destination than dwell on the path.

just my thoughts!

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