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Organization Tuesday: If You're Drowning In Paper, Build a RAFTViews: 1076
Nov 13, 2007 5:01 am Organization Tuesday: If You're Drowning In Paper, Build a RAFT

Julie Bestry
Are you an overworked professional with too little time and too many voices calling for your attention? Are your desk and floor overrun with papers? You may be metaphorically drowning in the demands and clutter of life, but the stress you feel may actually make you gasp for air. Don’t despair. Build yourself a RAFT.

RAFT is an acronym for four simple steps applicable to your ocean of papers—Refer, Act, File or Toss. I know--you're probably thinking that if you don't have time to get the work done, you certainly don't have time to learn a new system for dealing with it. But the truth is, when you're drowning, instead of flailing around, your survival depends on getting a sense of your surroundings and differentiating the sharks from the beach toys.

Create an interruption-free zone—ringer off, voicemail on, door closed. Next, keep your COMPASS handy to guide you to safety. Your compass includes your calendar, tickler file and To-Do list (hard copy or digital).

Now, gather all other loose papers from around your office. Yes, even items taped to the phone and the computer, unsorted mail, personal papers, receipts, computer manuals, and other homeless papers. Pile this collection in a basket or photocopy paper box lid.

Select one piece of paper, consider deeply and ask, “What's the NEXT action or step I need to perform regarding this item?” Dealing with only the next activity reduces stress considerably. For example, a client memo requesting a detailed analysis and report can instill the same panic you had when you got assigned a term paper in ninth grade. Defining only the next step limits your concerns to what you can handle right now.

REFER—Now that you know the next action, who must complete it? Is it dependent upon someone else, such as research by your intern or a contract drawn up by your attorney? Is it (or can it be) the responsibility of an independent contractor, virtual assistant, colleague, spouse or vendor? Remember, delegation lets you focus on what you're uniquely qualified to do.

Send referred items off like a message in a bottle. Make a note in your calendar to discuss it with them at some point between now and the deadline. Follow up to ensure it won't drown in their own sea of papers.

ACT—If the next action is something only you can do, ACT on it. Certainly, we can't delegate everything. So, if it will only take a minute to get it off your desk, sign off on your ad copy, and then REFER it to your advertising rep.

Acting doesn’t mean stopping the RAFT. Remember that planning is the most powerful action you can take. Having a clear sense of what you have to do before you do it eliminates redundancy, feeling ill-prepared and missing deadlines. Divide and conquer.

First, identify which action the item represents (e.g., call a client back, write a response, read this week’s trade journal, research a new vendor proposal, deliver a blueprint, etc.) and place similar items in separate piles for each category (to call, to write, to read, to research, to deliver, etc.)

Next, determine when you can accomplish the similar tasks. Block off space in your calendar for time-specific work (dictated by time zones, others' schedules, etc.). For time-flexible tasks, note them on your To-Do list and keep the papers (representing the tasks to be performed) in your tickler file .

FILE—If a paper doesn’t require your attention but must be saved for tax, legal or reference purposes, file it. That doesn't necessarily mean folders and filing cabinets. You can also “file” new insurance cards in your wallet, computer manuals in labeled magazine sorters and financial records in reverse-chronological order in three-ring binders. Save one copy of each advertising effort or published news release in a company scrapbook. Scan artwork to archive it digitally.

The key to filing is asking “Where would I look for this item if I needed it?” and placing it there. Or, “Where does this item live?” and then send it home. Then note in your calendar and/or tickler file what work needs to be completed and where the papers live so you can retrieve them when the time comes.

And remember, 80% of what is filed is never looked at again!

TOSS—The tendency in most offices is to keep things "just in case". The question that begs to be asked is "Just in case of WHAT?" If you no longer need items for reference, ongoing projects or per regulations, toss them overboard (into the trash, shredder or recycling bin).

Consult your attorney, CPA or professional organizer regarding records retention schedules, and if you still fear discarding an item, try to imagine a situation when it would be needed. Can the information you are saving “just in case” can be easily retrieved via the Internet or by making a quick call to a vendor, client or other reference source?

Maintain a daily habit of sorting mail and incoming papers using the RAFT system. Instead of drowning in paper, sail your RAFT towards the happy sunset of your business day.

Julie Bestry, Certified Professional Organizer®
Best Results Organizing
"Don't apologize. Organize!"
Visit http://www.juliebestry.com to save time and money, reduce stress and increase your productivity

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