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May 28, 2003 8:13 pm Thoughts on corporate-sponsored blogs?
Scott Allen
As many of you know, I'm the Entrepreneurs Guide for About.com. Well, in an effort to reach a broader community and to easily allow us to provide more current content on the site, About is beta-testing Movable Type for the Guidesites.

Now personally, I love it. Every time I see an article of interest to entrepreneurs, I can just right-click, jot a few thoughts down about it, and hey - I'm done! So for the purposes of making it easier to keep content current (and therefore there WILL be more current content), I think it's great. Also, the general thinking is that it will allow more of the Guides' personalities to come through than the current structure does. I'm certainly finding that to be true as I'm beta testing it.

My question to the group is this... By using the blog format, Movable Type, RSS feeds, and even probably TrackBack, Primedia is hoping to reach into the blog community (especially since traditional publishing is rapidly losing ground to blogs)... Since all of the Guides are real people, all pretty decent writers and experts on our topics, and we're allowed to run our sites pretty much unfiltered and unedited, I think this will fly. Do you? Or do you think that the blog format is antithetical to a large media outlet like Primedia?

Perhaps most of all, what advice would you offer so as to best fit in with the blogging community? I blog already and read several blogs routinely, so don't give me the basics -- I'm looking for specifics in this context -- how can I as an individual overcome concerns or objections other bloggers may have to the perception of this as a "corporate-sponsored" blog, which are kind of frowned upon?

If any of you want to see the beta of my blog to offer some specific comments, it's located at http://entrepreneurs.about.com/blog.


- Scott -

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