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Christian Millionaire Mindset Mentors
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Half Full or Half Empty?Views: 1042
Nov 03, 2006 12:55 amHalf Full or Half Empty?#

Michael Lemm
I honestly hope this "concept" hits some folks right between the eyes...in a good way of course. We just recently sent it to our Cognigen organization and I thought I'd share it with ya'll here too.

Just substitute your company name where you see Cognigen...it applies to anyone and everyone.

God Bless,
Michael Lemm
FreedomFire Communications
"Helping YOUR Business....DO Business"


Half Full or Half Empty?

You have almost certainly heard the saying that when you are looking at a 12 ounce glass containing 6 ounces of water, what is your perspective? Is that glass "half full" or "half empty"? It all has to do with perspective. All too often we tend to look at the negative side of things instead of the positive.

Can you relate to that? When you are driving and see a red light at the next intersection, usually when you are in a hurry to get somewhere, does that put a dent in your whole day? That happened to me once, until I discovered that the REASON the light was red was to let an ambulance go through. I realized that I did not have the right to think that my personal agenda was more important than the person inside that ambulance who may be fighting for their life.

When you look at your kids misbehaving, does it cause you to think negatively about them or the whole parenting bag? Or can you look at them and be thankful that your kids are healthy and you just need to teach them the ways of the world?

Do you look at the end of the month in comparison to your checkbook and allow it to destroy your entire mental attitude until the first of the month when you get paid? Or can you look at the positive aspects of this, in that you have a roof over your head, a car in the garage, food on the table, and there are literally millions of people in the world who would trade places with you in a heartbeat, instead of wondering where their next meal will come from or what bridge they can sleep under tonight?

It is all perspective. We can look at a given situation and see only the negative, if we allow ourselves to do so. I submit that we do not have that luxury. There are positive aspects to virtually anything we do and anything that happens. Sometimes we do not become aware of that positive aspect for weeks, months, even years later.

One of the Cognigen National Trainers was in a huge car accident in his teens, in a coma for 6 weeks and was not expected to live. Years later, he can look back at that as a normal healthy person with a successful Cognigen business and understand that that NEEDED to happen at that time, since his lifestyle at that time was essentially the fast track to hell. It could have been significantly worse in terms of long-term effects, but the only remainder of that is that he no longer has a sense of smell. That is an extremely small price to pay, and serves as a "gentle reminder" to this day of the "hall full / half empty" analogy.

When you look at your Cognigen business, do you see it as half full or half empty? Seriously consider that statement. Are you taking every opportunity that presents itself? Are you working your business every day? Are you a "student of your business" and trying to learn more about the products, the services, the marketing, the techniques on a regular basis? If not, why not?

There was a recent article in the New York Times about people today having an "entitlement" mentality; they are "entitled" to not work their butts off to achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Where in the world did that come from?? You are not entitled to anything. The world does not "owe" you squat. Life is what you make it to be, and you are given the tools and brains to make it happen, to fashion the life that you want in the same way that a sculptor models a chuck of clay. But like the sculptor, you need to have a VISION of what you want the end result to be, and like the sculptor, you need to put in the time, the effort, and have the motivation to achieve the result you envision. The world will not give it to you on a silver platter, and there is no "entitlement" present in any way, shape, or form.

In this month of November, the month of Thanksgiving in the US, be thankful for what you have. Your Cognigen business can be considered part of the "half full" part of the equation. The effort that you have NOT put into your Cognigen business in the past can be viewed as the "half empty" part, but I would encourage you to fill your glass to the brim, since Cognigen has already given you the tools you need to do that. Just add water, and a healthy dose of ACTION and MOTIVATION.

In the game of "Your Life", don't just be an observer or a bench warmer, but decide for yourself that you are going to be an active participant. Your Cognigen business gives you the tools you need to sculpt the clay of your life into the model that you envision and desire.

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