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Comm Wed: Ryze is pretty good, but....Views: 408
Jul 30, 2008 11:37 pmComm Wed: Ryze is pretty good, but....#

Felicia Slattery
Today's post is less of an article and more of a post looking for those who want to share.

As many of you know I've been active on Ryze for about 18 months. I know-- it seems like longer!

I really like Ryze for many reasons, the way we can write long answers to detailed questions, the way we can showcase our respective areas of expertise, the way we can support each other through all the various networks. It's all good stuff.

But on the other hand, in the past couple weeks I've been playing in the "Twitterverse." If you're not familiar with Twitter here's the simple scoop: you get 140 characters (that is letters, spaces, dashes, and other punctuation) to say what you want to say. You can easily link to someone else's post and comment on that and everybody who is "following" you will see everything you write.

As far as I can tell it's a good tool for social networking. And I can see ways to make money from it, too.

So here's my question: do you prefer this longer, more detailed type of communication like here on Ryze or do you like the faster-paced, shorter bursts of messages that Twitter allows?

Of course, I think both have value, but I'd love your opinion! Oh-- and feel free to "follow me:" http://twitter.com/FeliciaSlattery

Looking forward to your replies! I have to go update my Tweet now...


Felicia J. Slattery, M.A., M.Ad.Ed.
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Jul 31, 2008 12:45 amre: Comm Wed: Ryze is pretty good, but....#

Julie Bestry
Felicia, that's a good question, but I think I agree with you, it's kind of like having to choose between a a fine restaurant dessert and a Nutty Buddy. They suit such different purposes.

Ryze is a better place for think pieces, essays and articles. But it also operates in a closed environment. Our network here at TBC is something special, but I can't say I always have warm, fuzzy feelings about all the networks I visit on Ryze, so it can feel like drudgery to rifle through all the Ryze posts to locate what you want. Plus, you have to find the network, then the thread, then the post. You can't skim quickly.

Twitter, which I really bemoaned until quite recently as a total time-waster, is certainly more fun, and more targeted. You can see the tweets of JUST the people who have replied directly to you, or just whom you "follow", or every darn person in the known universe. And you can use something like Summize if you want to search for a specific term or thread of tweet conversation. You can scan quickly and find tweets worth it to you, particularly those that provide links that are interesting and not (just) self-serving.

Twitter is easier and perhaps more efficient, while Ryze offers opportunities for more in-depth networking relationships, which can prove more deeply satisfying. I've seen a real downtrend in the value I get from Ryze (though not TBC) over the years, but I think there will always be value in long-form, communications-intensive membership sites.

Both offerings give you an opportunity to seek the advice and comfort of others, but Twitter beats Ryze in terms of response speed and breadth and depth of "membership". The other day, I Twittered openly to find out the proper way to pronounced "Jaiku" (the Finnish-originated Twitter clone) and I had a response in minutes!

Finally, I'm a Chatty Cathy--I think most people here know that. It can be frustrating, but also liberating, to have to limit my tweets to 140 characters. Knowing that everyone KNOWS that I can't be more complete and detailed, I no longer feel the obligation to say everything I know on one subject in one fell swoop.

So I guess, in head to head competition, I guess Twitter wins my vote.

Oh, and I "followed" you; I'm http://twitter.com/ProfOrganizer and follow-able, too.

Julie Bestry, Certified Professional Organizer®
Best Results Organizing
"Don't apologize. Organize!"
Visit http://www.juliebestry.com to save time and money, reduce stress and increase your productivity

Private Reply to Julie Bestry

Jul 31, 2008 12:50 amre: Comm Wed: Ryze is pretty good, but....#

Susan McCool
Personally, I believe both have their place. Detailed messages really allow you to show off your expertise and build your credibility. Where the small, twitter-ific posts allow you to quickly and easily keep yourself in front of your fan base.

If you can get those that know, like and trust you on other social networks (like Ryze) to follow you on twitter, then you have the best of both worlds. You can give them the detailed information that makes you look like a GENIUS and give them quick tips, tidbits and updates - even if it is on a more personal level (like you favorite breakfast food).

If you keep your tweeting to business-oriented tweets, I think it could be of great value :)

If I had to choose, I'd prefer the details...I learn more from them. Otherwise, I'm a fan of both!


Susan McCool
Spotlight Marketing and Design - http://www.SpotlightMarketingAndDesign.com
Virtual Office Associates - http://www.VirtualOfficeAssociates.net

Private Reply to Susan McCool

Jul 31, 2008 5:13 amre: re: Comm Wed: Ryze is pretty good, but....#

Felicia Slattery
Thanks for your comments, ladies!

It's just what I thought.

Something also fun about Twitter-- it's instant. You can send a 140 character post and less than 2 minutes later have a reply from someone halfway across the country or world.

Anyone else want to jump in?


Felicia J. Slattery, M.A., M.Ad.Ed.
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