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Better-World Project

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Aug 16, 2004 6:22 pm re x 5: Upcoming Events
Whitney Rix Victory II
Hello Fredrick,
Busy as two bees and running out the door, but I grew up singing a song that says it all for all three posts below: "Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching AS to War..." A warrior is sometimes on a quest for truth, justice or freedom for themselves, their people/community, or others who need assistance. It is not always a negative connotation. But like my use of they the other day, it helps to define the context abit further. I grouped all the "bad guys" under they and was reminded that someone else could misread it to mean all of the people, not just the bad guys.
If your "war" is the peaceful transformation of the world or the defense of the downtrodden, or freeing the opressed, I think that Warrior is then a very good term and obviously in that light it has few negative connotations, if any. I fight for others everyday as I am in action to play my part in the transformation of the world, after all as I have said many times, it is in our hands. That means we all have the power to do it and when we unite for the peaceful transformation of the world, it will begin to show and then it will be.
Take Care of the World, it belongs to our children and their children. Plan all you do to follow the 7 generation rule: consider what you do and it's impact on the next seven generations. This is a lesson we all must learn from the Indians, It is from the Great Law of the Iroquois. Fight for the next seven generations and you will only wish for a peaceful revolution and transformation.
Pax Vobiscum,
> Frederick Mann - Better-World Project wrote:
> Some words are very important. Humans tend to slaughter one another because of certain words in their heads. "Warrior" may very well be one of those "death-trap words." However we define it is unlikely to change the ways others behave as a result of having it in their heads.
>> Jerry Waxman wrote:
>> I'm finally getting around to understanding Ryze.
>>I like the term Better World Builders. I also like Better World Warriors. It is true that war is destructive and is the type of activity we want to avoid rather than remind ourselves of. Nevertheless, the word war and the reality of war is ever present, and we are unlikely to have much impact on the world's psyche by avoiding the words we hear and think about daily.
>>However, what if we were to affect a paradigm shift?; Redefine "warrior" as someone who actively pursues changes for the better, and willing to boldly fight against the negativity and destructive mentality that guide today's leaders, much of the media, and many of the people in our world today? A warrior fights with deeds that actually help people have a better life. A warrior fights with words that inspire people to do good things.
>>Just a thought. Not meaning to be contrary.
>>> Frederick Mann - Better-World Project wrote:
>>> Welcome to Better-World Project, Francois-Rene!
>>>Thanks for pointing out the problem with the term "warrior." Based on someone else's suggestion, I had changed it to "Peace Worker," but I think "Builder" is even better!
>>>> Francois-Rene Rideau wrote:
>>>> > Frederick Mann - Better-World Project wrote:
>>>>> the idea of "Better-World Warriors" and a "Better-World Academy,"
>>>>Your fingers must have slipped, you of all men know best that it is not Warriors, but Builders, who are required. The paradigm of "War" is precisely one of those Limbic though-patterns that we seek to replace.

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