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Better-World Project

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Oct 01, 2004 11:39 pm [PGM] More Thinking, More Money, More Success!
Frederick Mann - Better-World Project
(Sponsoring protocol: If you decide to join a money- making program as a result of participating here, please join under the person who invited you to The Better-World Project (if applicable). Exception: If Frederick Mann invited you, you're welcome to join under anyone.)

In my opinion, there are both huge challenges and opportunities in the world. How can people be persuaded to think, rather than blindly following the "politicians du jour?" (Who else should not be followed blindly?)

Based on my experiences with people trying to make money on the Internet, I estimate that about 98% of them operate below the "success threshold." Consider a scale of 0 - 100. 0 = total failure; 100 = total success. Suppose the "success threshold" is at 5.

If people could raise their knowledge, skills, and competence so they rise above 5 on the scale, then they would succeed. They could become much more successful be moving further up toward 100.

The challenge as I see it is that about 98% of people trying to make money on the Internet operate below the "success threshold" of 5. And the vast majority of them have no idea that they operate at such a low level.

Quoting from Ozer Tayiz's Ryze Home Page: "My former block was massive self-sabotage, with roots of low self worth and esteem, indecisiveness, procrastination, over analysis till paralysis, non-action. I've recently been able to overcome most of it using EFT." Many people could have "blocks" similar to those described by Ozer, that keep them stuck below the success threshold at 5. I estimate that this applies to 98% of people trying to make money on the Internet.

The challenge: How do we get more people to "find out where they are" (if Ozer could do it, maybe others can, too), how do we persuade them to move up, and what tools (EFT, Idenics, etc.) can we make available to them so they can move up?

The opportunity: With so many millions of people operating at such low levels, whoever can provide the means for people to move up and beyond the success threshold at 5, has the potential to become wealthier than Bill Gates!

Now have a look at FundBizGrowth

and AdCashDoubler

What structure or mechanism can be created within MPL so that people like Ozer Tayiz and Jerry Waxman, and our other educators, consultants, coaches, trainers, etc. can provide the means for people to discover where they are, and the means to move up and beyond the success threshold at 5?


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