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Blogs & Bloggers

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Dec 18, 2002 10:20 pm re: re: How many blogs will you have in 2006?
Ross Mayfield
Phil --

The average blogger will have exactly 1.05 weblogs, or something like that. For most people I cannot see having more than one weblog, rather most will have categories within their blog. Strong exceptions are collaborative weblogs or pseudonym weblogs. Creation takes committment and consolidation concentrates effort.


> Ton Zijlstra wrote:
> hi Phil,
>I have one now. I foresee that this one might be abandoned sometime next year, in exchange for another one. The current blog is experimental, and to see if blogging is rewarding to me. As it is, and probably will stay to be, the next step is to invest a bit of money to create my own domain-name and start hosting the blog myself, with some bought tools and software.
>In 3 yrs time I think I will co-edit a few extra blogs, say 3. My hunch is that group-blogging will be a way to participate in projects etc, with people that are not in the same geographical location. As I have always some of those things going on, that are work related but use my personal network, and are on the divide of work/personal development outside work, my prediction is that blogging will be an important tool in the near future for that sort of thing. Perhaps as a replacement for mailgroups, and/or Yahoo groups etc.
>Kind regards,
>> Phil Wolff wrote:
>> I have two blogs, one longform/infrequent and one shorter/frequent. Because I use Radio for one of them, I have channels of focused content like CV reviews and obituaries; these channels may be thought of as blogs in their own right. Others have blogs for work, for diary, for family/friends: chanelling for audiences, managing the private/public barrier and balancing stakeholder interests.
>>There's also the whole legacy of abandoned blogs. Some are starter blogs, a practice I encourage to get past some fears. Others are abandoned for lack of momentum, technical goblins, changed jobs, lost passwords, etc.
>>How many blogs do you have now?
>>How many blogs will experienced bloggers be using after three years?

Private Reply to Ross Mayfield (new win)

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