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Religion or Philosophy?Views: 182
May 17, 2007 1:51 pm re: Religion or Philosophy?

Rajan Bhavnani
Well, Pushpa, I also come from a religious fractured family. And just sharing, in brief, my thought processes.

But after some introspection and study I turned to the Vedas. And came to the conclusion that Hinduism is a beautiful philosophy. That even as an agnostic, one cannot escape the laws of Karma and Dharma. And of reincarnation. And also Dharma can take the path of extreme destruction for good over evil, as extolled in the Gita. And that all of us are one, in our astral form.

Also that all knowledge is locked within our consciousness, and only few have reached that stage where they have been able to unlock it from within. The whole truth about our being!

To unlock this consciousness, meditation to attain Sadhana seems to be the accepted path. And pranic breathing, the key, to help us meditate and uncover this consciousness within us. Hinduism is kind. It talks of Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic foods and action. (I am an occasional non-vegetarian!)

That the chanting of certain shlokas has vibrations. When my Dad was terminally ill, his Guru gave me a mantra which I was asked to chant softly into his ear. That very same mantra was meant to give me and him peace and to this date this mantra gives me this peace and relief from pain. I was given this with the promise that I never reveal it to anyone; wife, mother or daughter. And one day I stumbled upon this mantra in its original Sanskrit form.

There our many Gurus out there, But some are charlatans. So how do we find the right one? Obviously, my parents Gurus seemed right for them.

To me meditation has been important. Some meditate on a verse, or a deity, but I meditate to keep my mind free of all thoughts. As explained to me, as the body does need rest, so does the mind and one must free it from thinking; being void of thought.

Have I found the answer?

NO! Not until I unlock the knowledge stored in me. There are Dept.’s of Parapsychology, in the USA, which have come up with startling revelations of previous lives! Much against what Christianity is silent about. And I have had many inexplicable weird experiences.

My only hope is to never be born in Kalyug again but in Satyug!

I think I may have confused you more!


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