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Why does coffee work so well?Views: 163
Jul 16, 2005 12:00 pm re: Why does coffee work so well?

Sue T.
Morning :) I can see how coffee would work well. I have it first thing in the a.m., I notice too if I eat too much pasta (carbs equals sugar when it breaks down right?) I'm a lethargic poo the next day.

Yet when I do watch my diet etc., I'm much more clear.

Another thing that I am quite positive that motivates me is music. If I'm lost at night (figuratively speaking) after a long day and put on a headset with music that will wake me up? Say dance music etc., and then listen to it for a while, something with a beat etc., in about ...hmmm ... 15-20 minutes I'm able to focus on what I'm doing ... .silence will put me out cold (sleep) because my brain is bored. SO true!

Hi everyone I'm Sue T. :) I probably know alot of you anyway.

Sue T.

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