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Is Omega3 Helping you?Views: 180
Sep 30, 2005 11:46 am A Tip : WOW!!! Is Omega3 Helping you?

Sue T.
I just sent, this a.m., this little snipet to a friend of mine ... in re: coaching and sifting through emotions. They "are" tricky critters...

You know, people have told me all my life "I'm too analytical" "you think too much etc.," Well... you know after a while, it can make you feel that perhaps you're not ... "normal" ... then again... in my early 20's I had a thought.

Here it is.

What is normal? Normal is as the individual perceives it to be.

Now isn't this true? :) YUP!!!! and that's ok! At the same time, we "as individuals" get to chose how we think and shift some of this.

Ok as I blabber on ... here is the e-mail that I sent my friend today.


Listen to what I'm saying ok?

Sometimes when we talk to people, they give away "where" you can help them.

How? They name an emotion.

i.e., this frustrates me because he never shows up. (just as an example)

So, which part of this, do you question?

The word frustration. Why? Because it's the "emotion" of the sentence. You want to get to "why" said person is frustrated. We can have a call if you like and you can try it on me. I'll come up with something juicy ok? LOL :)

So you would say, What is it, or Why does ... what about xyz is it that you find frustrating ?

This forces them to "think" about "why" their frustrated so they can gain clarity into their own mind.

See what I'm saying?

Kind of like when you go to the psychologist and he says, How does that make you feel...

It does depend on the individual though. Women tend to need to what? "VENT" right? To gain insights and clarity into their own mind. It's a natural process. When I first heard that? I was like ... you gotta be kiddin me! I sound like a loon! but I was grateful that I found out I wasn't nuts LOL :)

So there's a coaching tip for you. :)


Hey woman feel free to ask me questions any time, I'd love the stimulation !

Sue Tosto
Life and Relationship Coach


Confidence is Silent. It need not defend itself. It simply exists inside you.


This can work, what I have put here in many many different scenarios... still focus on the positive though!

See, the objective ... is to change how you or anyone else for that matter ... perceives a certain emotion or situation ans shift it to the positive ... ok? :)

Never underestimate emotional clarity. Further, to be understood in this process is really important... it can be unnerving to talk about something that's built up so much steam in our minds ... yet ... the best thing ever I have found? Is when I challenge it... because it loses its power ... See? :) !!!!


Sue T.

Private Reply to Sue T. (new win)

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