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All ChangeViews: 289
Nov 01, 2007 9:08 am re: All Change

Marilyn Jenett

Hello Croz,

I have read over the past few years about the astounding number of parent(s) who have left the workforce and are now working from home, so I don't think "latch key" is necessarily the current issue.

The consciousness of women has evolved so much that I think daughters who learned only the domestic things would be quite unhappy in this day and age, and there are many men who have broken away from family businesses and expectations to do what they wanted to do. The more evolved parents have nurtured their children's talents and independence.

Your perspective relates to your own personal experiences, and I can respond from mine. Obviously, neither of us may be the norm or majority. I was not a latch key kid back then (we're probably from the same generation) but I look back and see that there was no communication with parents. And when I matured there was still no communication (mother was still alive) no matter what I attempted to do to create it.

So that leads me to believe that it is not necessarily about being close knit or a tight body. Or spending more time at the dinner table - although those things can have great value. The past may have seemed ideallic to some, but the fact is that many parents remained together because of commitment or because of the children or out of fear even though they may have been very unhappy. Commitment had more meaning in that era.

These days, kids in many ways are more advanced than their parents in knowledge, technology. I have never heard about so many juniors and seniors in high school creating businesses - many have already turned those businesses into six or seven figure operations by the time they graduate high school. Amazing. Funny, I'm not hearing too many kids who sound confused (you may have more exposure to this than I). But I bet some of the parents are :-)

I guess what I'm attempting to say here is that I don't believe it's about the circumstances so much as the awareness and the individuals - which is probably what you're saying also. Communication has to be two-way.

Different generations have different interests, different exposure, different histories. But love, respect, values - those are the common ground for communication no matter what the lifestyle circumstances.

A single parent can raise a child with more love, devotion, clarity and bonding than many "tighter knit bodies" who just go through the motions.

Anyway, those are some random thoughts to your interesting post.


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