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Awakening IntuitionViews: 333
Feb 01, 2008 9:06 pm re: re: Awakening Intuition

Rasheed Hooda

There is a difference between instincts, and intuition.

Animals have instincts and since we are animals, biologically, we have instincts too.

But we humans are more than animals or maybe an advanced, more evolved form of animals. We think, and reason. We have the capability to create with our thoughts, not just follow our instincts to survive.

We use our instincts to survive, but we use our intuition to thrive. First you can learn to distinguish between these two things, then you learn to identify which one is one. sometimes our intuitions are in conflict with our instincts. That's when you are given the opportunity to thrive, live beyond the mundane, surpass mere survival and evolve into a higher being.

So yes, there will be times when you will find that following your instincts is not the best course, rather you are prompted to follow a conflicting path prompted by your intuition.

I hope this is somewhat helpful.


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