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Why teleseminars?Views: 232
Aug 30, 2005 9:48 am re: Why teleseminars?

Marilyn Jenett


Hope some of this will answer your question...

My telephone programs are very interactive and for that reason I limit them to 50 maximum. I sat in on a couple of calls with a speaker (there's usually a host also) and large attendance. Boring. At least to me.

Why teleseminars?

Well, I don't call mine seminars. I don't talk "at" participants. I teach them. I mentor them. I share wisdom and knowledge. I have one goal. My students will get results. Period.

I use my intuition to draw on the needs of the participants and for that reason I don't mute the "room". I have tried it a couple of times and it doesn't work for me. I want my students right there with me. I want the sounds, the nuances, the responses. And for the most part, they are very respectful about background noise and will mute themselves if it occurs. (They understand that if we start hearing pots and pans, they are then required to make dinner for everyone).

To explain why people would choose to participate in telephone programs, here are a couple of scenarios:

1. I usually have some international students on my calls even though they would have to be awake after midnight in their time zones. However, I also record all of my calls. I have a sound engineer in Tennessee who records everything in high resolution. For the students, we immediately put the recording on my website in Instant Audio so they can listen the next day or any time if they missed the call or want reinforcement. The recordings are password protected and stay up indefinitely (the high resolution files are used to make saleable products later).

But here's the interesting part. The international students choose to stay awake and attend the calls live, even though they could listen to the recording the next day. And even though they may not speak up or participate on the call.

The energy. The connection. When the human connection is good, the energy is palpable. We are connected. It's a wonderful feeling. The recordings are just like being on the live call, however there is that special element when you are right there with everyone.

2. I have discovered that in any given group, there is a percentage of people who speak up, are gregarious or like to ask questions and share. Others are very attentive but like to process information quietly and don't speak. The quiet ones learn from the interaction with the others.
So it is not necessary to interact to feel the benefits of being live on the call.

3. As I mentioned, the calls are recorded. This is a courtesy that I feel is necessary if you want to provide the greatest service to your following. I know that many seminar leaders record and then sell the recordings to the participants. Nothing wrong with that, but I choose to allow my participants to have free unlimited access to the recordings so that they CAN listen 24/7 if they want. For those who are not participating in the programs, they can buy the audio programs I offer.

Interesting side note (I think):

I turned down an offer to do a live program out of state for 500 participants, but the coordinator wanted me to have the subsequent three sessions on the telephone. I told her there was no way I could interact with 500. She would set it up so that the room was muted and attendees would email questions to the moderator who would get them to me.

I suppose this is done by a lot of speakers, but it's just not for me. I couldn't guarantee the integrity of my program that way and didn't believe the students would get results without the human interaction and our live connection. My program has succeeded because of the great results my students get, and I won't jeopardize my program or my reputation. I offered instead to fly in for all four weekly sessions, but the coordinator said she didn't believe people would commit to attending weekly. This was very shortsighted of her - she had already gotten sponsors who would pay for the expenses and we stood to make $250,000 profit (she would get 20%) but her limited thinking wouldn't let her acquiesce. Oh, and we would have videotaped everything and had a wonderful program to later sell to that industry (this was for a niche industry).

So, this was a l-o-o-o-o-ng answer to your question and I guess the short answer to "why" would be...

The human touch.

Audio has its place but will never take the place of human connection, the human voice, and human energy. Humans will always hunger for it :-) I believe the need to gather is part of our biological programming, isn't it? And the Internet has replaced a lot of Town Hall meetings I would imagine :-)


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