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domains as an investment / traffic generatorViews: 281
Nov 24, 2005 2:34 am re: re: domains as an investment / traffic generator

>> Barry Caplan - Start Your Future Today
Andy -

There are probaly sites and blogs that discuss this in more detail that you can find, but here is my 2 cents....

What are the odds that someone will follow a link, which is all but random from your point of view, the reader will say - gee not what I expected about Christmas recipes but maybe I will follow these links for truck stops in Iowa...

Pretty low IMHO.

that is nto to say that there isn;t a way to toss semi-relevant content up...I have come across some sites that were clearly trying to do thatbut those were pags coming in form google (or someoother serach engine, and all they did was toss the query terms in in a few places of otherwise random words.

I suppose if you were really determined, you could grab the page the link is coming from, parse it and decide what content to throw up there via a script, witht he idea the content would then be relevant to the place the person just came from, but do you really think you are going to fool the reader?

Actually, I could think of a way to do it that would fool a lot of poeple, and wouldn't be so hard to do, but would violate the TOS of every legitimate ISP on earth, and probably the laws of most of the nations they reside in.

Is that the kind of company you want to keep? If so contact me with what you wil pay for such a script :)

If not realize, that these guys you read about are probaly either lined up with "bad actor ISPs" or they get chased from ISP to ISP just like spammers and phishers because sites will block them and search engines will probably refuse to pay them (or if they don't the time is coming)

Finally, dead links aren't going to hang out all that long in a search engine...and if a site drops away, how popular could it have been anyway?

Just did a wuick look-see on that last point - I have a domain where the main bulk of pages was droped probably 2 years ago and now there is only a place holder. Surprisingly, about 4 or so links are still hanging in google. I doubt there is any traffic there though, and this is an industry-standard generic domain name...I guess I should look at the log files sometime to see who is there besides spiders...

Anyway, the whole thing smacks of trouble to me...



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