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Lamar, please listen to me.......Views: 140
Feb 28, 2007 5:53 pm re: re: re: re: We want to HELP:
Althea Garner Lamar, you mention Calistoga being a role model for Middletown, so let's examine this.

Please take the following as constructive criticism:

First off, the town is FIVE TIMES the size of Middletown in population.

Secondly, it's location provides passing traffic, being as it is at the end of a famous and well publicized wine route. To get to Middletown, one has to turn from the main highway onto highway 29 at Calistoga, and then across the mountain.

Thirdly, Calistoga has a Chamber of Commerce which is linked to the main town web site. Calistoga's web site is professionally and attractively designed. With the right webmaster, Middletown could achieve the same result with the MAA.

Now, looking at the content of the Chamber site, it appears as though Calistoga is making the most of it's resources, trades a lot on the health industry (hot springs, spa's etc), there are no less than SIX art stores, TWO antique stores, NINE clothing stores, and.... they have a center that holds 50 outlet stores.

Consider this text from the Calistoga Chamber site:

"Trendy -- yet friendly, laid-back -- yet luxurious, Calistoga is THE place to be in the wine country. Come, kick back, and enjoy our wine, water, and wellness."

That's alluring! This sounds like a place I'd like to visit because it conjures up a welcoming mental image.

Calistoga gives people a reason to stop and spend money. The reason that people don't stop in Middletown is that there are really no stores that compel the traveler to take the time there. Middletown reminds me of Running Springs (where we own a mountain cabin) - lots of little stores and none that actually GRAB you!

If you look at the Shop Middletown directory, many of those merchants are not in Middletown, but from Clear Lake, Cobb etc. Examine only those merchants that are IN Middletown and you will see that it is still a farming community that revolves around feed and equipment repairs. There are far more services offered than stores to attract travelers.

In short, Calistoga is a community of store fronts, which Middletown is not.

As far as the web site is concerned, Middletown's need a good shake up! There is absolutely nothing on the home page that would induce me to click any further. Try getting your webmaster to change the colors (while brown is appropriate for the town, it does not foster excitement in the reader).

Furthermore, I feel (and this is just my personal opinion) that the home page could say a lot more about Middletown - I had to dig as deep as Eagle & Rose Inn in the merchant directory and then choose the one in Middletown (since there is more than one Eagle & Rose), by first delving into a selection process, in order to find what Middletown offered the visitor.

The pictures of Middletown are too small to get a feel for the ambience of the town. Too much space is wasted on text links to other parts of the site and the pictures depicting links to neighboring towns (Hidden Valley, Cobb etc) are too big, considering that they are not in Middletown. I understand that these towns are part of the Merchant Association, but should they be given that much premium real estate on Middletown's home page?

Given Calisotga's opening (Text on their home page):

"The City of Calistoga is located 80 miles North of San Francisco in the scenic Napa Valley. It is found
at the top of the Napa Valley, at the foot of Mt. St. Helena, which rises 4500 feet above the city.
Calistoga, population 5,000, is a popular destination for visitors to the heart of the Wine Country.
Calistoga is best known for its geothermal hot springs, mineral water, and is home to California's
Old Faithful Geyser. It is also the home of the Napa County Fairgrounds. Calistoga has maintained
its small town atmosphere while still being able to accommodate many tourists each year. This is a
Web site for City Government with links below to other areas of interest including the Chamber of
Commerce, current weather, and other web sites in the area.

This Web Site is intended to establish a better understanding of the City of Calistoga Government
Services, to improve communication between the community and those who serve the residents and
visitors alike."

...and compare this to Middletown's:

"Welcome to the Middletown Area Business Association Website! Thank you for visiting us.

Middletown, California is the southern gateway to Lake County and an impressively beautiful place to visit or live."


Now, I think that the graphic advertisement to the right of this text on the home page is supposed to change to a different merchant with each page load, but my page view constantly displayed the somewhat satanic logo of AAA Computers!

So, what we have here is the tranquility and relaxation and healthy aspect of Calistoga to the satanic theme of Middletown. What impression is Middletown trying to give it's web viewers?

Let's look at the Events page. It ends with Christmas in Middletown - 2006. Lamar, tomorrow is MARCH 2007! And you wonder why your events are not well supported?

'About the Area' contains the following text:

"Middletown is the southern gateway into Lake County. Coming from the Napa Valley, over the St. Helena mountains, on highway 29, Middletown is just minutes from the Napa Valley. From affordable homes and great schools to restaurants, glider rides and rentals to our own hometown brewery and casino, Middletown has a lot to offer folks considering moving up to Lake County or just for a weekend visit...."

What this is actually telling me, is to visit St Helena mountains and Napa. A lot more could be done with this page to actually SHOW people what Middletown offers and the map, while useful, is just not doing that.

Middletown needs to make a decision as to whether to remain a feed and tack town or move into attracting tourists, as Calistoga has done. It can move into the realm of Calistoga's health and wellness industry very easily because Middletown has all the makings ~ it's just a matter of presenting the options to residents and getting them to vote on it. Or is Middletown the only place in the US that doesn't vote? (I am being facetious, of course!!)

What you need to impress upon Middletown Merchants is that there is no point in paying for advertising, if the ads are weak. This is just a waste of their money and by this I mean sites such as Merchantcircle.com.

While we are at Merchant Circle, take a look at the Middletown map (below) - where the heck is Middletown? It's not even on the Middletoen map and you're wondering why people drive straight through? I did, and I had a very good reason to stop!


Walt Disney may have been a dreamer but he had the good sense to employ people to DO the job for him in order to make his dreams, reality. Middletown could hire a management company to plan a successful town that holds future growth, or it could remain the Walt Disney of California and continue dreaming and simply talking about it.

I think that you have a good point in looking at Calistoga as Middletown's role model, but how far is Middletown prepared to go, to improve it's own lot?

Looking forward to getting down to the nitty gritty of this thread.

ALTHEA GARNER (Star Real Estate)

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