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Prosperity Thursday: Words We Use About Others: a Fascinating FactViews: 164
Jun 13, 2008 8:06 am Prosperity Thursday: Words We Use About Others: a Fascinating Fact

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Words We Use About Others: a Fascinating Fact

Did you know that the subconscious mind does not know anyone else but YOU (I'll bet you didn't). It has no conception of consciousness other than your own. I explain to students that when we criticize others or find fault, our mind thinks we are speaking about ourselves. That's why it's so important to become aware of the power of our words because often our words and feelings that are directed outwardly can rebound and cause havoc in our own lives. 

Of course we do these things unconsciously...the majority of people do not realize that our thoughts and words are influencing and imprinting our own minds.

So let's say we are speaking about someone who "irritates" us. And the subconscious, which does not reason or think, just interprets our words as an "order." So we share a thought about things that irritate us. And what does the subconscious hear?


So now it thinks we want to be irritated. And lo and behold, some outer circumstance occurs that is sure to irritate us - more so if we are already on that frequency to begin with.

And this is even more interesting...The subconscious mind only hears the DOMINANT words, not the lesser words. Based on the fact above about dominant words, even if we said something like "She no longer irritates me," the mind doesn't hear "no longer" - it only hears "irritates me." And voila, gremlins show up to irritate us.

Our individual thoughts and words reach into the ethers and cause the creative forces of Universal Mind to bring all the elements together to manifest what the mind thinks we want: To be irritated.

The way to stop creating situations that play this out is to no longer be influenced by what happens. I like to call it staying in "neutral."  When an issue ceases to bother or affect us, the issue itself will have no more energy to feed it, so it will quietly disappear. That is how to create a solution to ANYTHING in life. When we cease to give it negative thought or energy, the situation will resolve itself or the solution will appear. But that's another complete prosperity lesson in itself - for another time.

[The above is an excerpt from the Feel Free to Prosper Lessons and also from
 An Introduction to Universal Laws and Prosperity Principles eBook,
Copyright © 2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper, all rights reserved]

Someone posted on another network about the value of not reacting negatively when people dump their "garbage" on you so that you don't take on their frustration, anger, etc. and spread it.  Brushing off those people who are releasing their "garbage" toward us...that's a good thing. We are not allowing their negativity to take root in us and we keep our peace.

But I also think it's important that we don't automatically criticize them and think of them as being full of garbage. Because our own minds will think that we are referring to ourselves.

So let's consider how we can think of them in our minds in a positive light. Blessing them, praying for them, seeing them with compassion - that's always a safe path and lets us keep our equilibrium.

Or maybe we can think of them as being full of "lessons to be learned." That's a bit more positive than garbage :-)

But ultimately, I like this method:

Once someone who was driving and talking on a cell phone sideswiped me and I was able to turn my wheel just in time for him to miss me by inches. I immediately changed my thoughts to one of gratitude - gratitude for being protected by grace. Grateful that I and my car were guided to safety.

I also tell the story in my memoir of the time that I was held up with an automatic weapon and the robber took all of my business items including the $60,000 balance check from Michelin for our upcoming event. But I was guided to gratitude (for not being hurt) and compassion for the young robber who had to resort to a hold up on Christmas morning to get drug money - and miraculously everything was found and returned to me the next day (although the assailant was never caught). You can read the story free in my entrepreneurial memoir on my network:

My Memoir on the Feel Free to Prosper Network
Scroll down to Nov 05, 2006
Part XX: A Holiday Story: Against the Odds 

So in summary, it is true that we are not responsible for the misdeeds of others. And they are not responsible for our reactions. We alone are responsible for our reactions and we can take our reactions to a whole new level which contributes to our growth and well being.

Before we react to a situation, we have to ask ourselves...

Is the toll of our words and emotions worth it?

Is it worth the "karmic" consequences?

In fact, the law of cause and effect is absolute and infallible. So we can ask, "Why have I brought this situation to me?" These situations are our best teachers. What can we learn from the situation? Patience? Tolerance? Forgiveness? Clarity in making decisions? Kindness?

Is it worth the toxic hormones that course through our system that play havoc with our bodies?

Is it worth our peace of mind?

And this, from Dr. Joseph Murphy:

"What we wish for our brothers (sisters) we wish for ourselves."

~ Marilyn

©Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved
Contact Marilyn for reprint permission

The Feel Free to Prosper Manifesters Audio Program

The audio version of the traditional Feel Free to Prosper one-month program
 that includes four weekly recorded teleclass sessions and Lessons One and Two.

New Year Teleclass Audio Program

The audio version of the first session of the Feel Free to Prosper program
 - a high quality recording of the single teleclass based on powerful Lesson One.

Marilyn Jenett, the Feel Free to Prosper Program
Website: http://www.FeelFreetoProsper.com
Ryze Network: http://prosper-network.ryze.com
About Marilyn: http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/introduction.html

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