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Comm Wed>: COmmunicating Optimism in a Negative EnviornmentViews: 152
Oct 09, 2008 4:47 am Comm Wed>: COmmunicating Optimism in a Negative Enviornment

Felicia Slattery
Communicating Optimism in a Negative Environment

This week's post comes from a suggestion from Becki Maxson of http://www.WordsIntoProfits.com, a professional transcription agency. When I hit a brick wall about what to write about, I asked my Twitter friends for some help. And Becki was there. So thanks to Becki, this week you'll learn how to deliver a positive message in an otherwise negative environment.

Remember the Wizard of Oz and the scene with Dorothy and friends cautiously walking down the yellow brick road afraid of what might jump out at them? As the walked forward they chanted, "Lions, and tigers, and bears. Oh my!"

Well, with the state of affairs in the US and around the world, the news can inspire a similar scary chant of, "Bailouts, and gas prices, and wars, oh my."

If you've been reading my Ryze posts for a while, you know I'm an enthusiastic person and tend to get excited about my business and working with my wonderful clients. For me being optimistic is easy.

Communicating optimism is ultimately important for you in your business. Of course people only do business with those they know, like and trust. How many people can you say you truly like who are doom and gloom all the time? I'd guess not many.

So what's a business owner to do if things really aren't going so well? Here are 7 tips for how to communicate optimism in a negative environment:

1. Remember: It's the media's job to point out what's not working or is different or unusual. Would it really be news if a story had this opening, "Everything at ABC Company is running smoothly." Not likely. There is no story when it's all going ok. In the news media the line, "If it bleeds it leads" is a common unwritten journalistic rule. So ignore the gloom and doom news (yes there are still plenty of ways to stay informed) and seek out positive messages to feed your mind and spirit.

2. It's important to never misrepresent yourself or your business by lying in any way. While some may believe false sentiments, it puts you out of integrity. And integrity is one way to being credible. You lose that, and you lose a lot.

3. Consider your own mindset. If you are in a negative place, it can be difficult to communicate optimism and positivism. Get yourself and your mind in a positive mode by doing an activity you enjoy, talking to someone you care about, or whatever it takes to get you feeling good.

4. If you have setbacks, pay attention to the language you use. Focus on external sources, rather than blaming yourself and realize that all setbacks are limited in nature. This too shall pass.

5. When communicating how you feel about what is happening in your business avoid hedging phrases like "cautiously optimistic." That sounds not so optimistic at all! Find something to be optimistic about and be all in; expect good things and more good things will follow.

6. Find something that is working right and is going well. Then emphasize the positive pieces in your messages.

7. Be grateful for all you have that is good. Make sure you regularly communicate your gratitude and thanks to those who support you and your business. It can be as simple as adding an automated "thank you" response to an online purchase to a personalized, hand-written note sent via "snail mail" and anything in between.

The more you focus on the positive and communicate optimism, the better frame of mind you’ll be in and your clients and prospects will notice that and be attracted to you. And that attraction is what can lead to better results for you.

This article may be reprinted with permission. Copyright 2008 Felicia J. Slattery.

Felicia J. Slattery, M.A., M.Ad.Ed.
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