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Minding Your Own Business [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Why do people think that they can get things for free?Views: 334
Jun 06, 2006 12:53 pm re: re: re: Why do people think that they can get things for free?

Alison Smith

I had the same thing happen to me a few months ago with my first client since leaving full time employement to work for myself. I ended up with my rates been discussed in the open office by the client for all to hear and being taken into an office by 3 people to talk (that's one word for it - it felt more like a bullying session)about my rates!! Not a great experience.

I learnt a few things not least about having a clear terms of reference at the begining. For me the BIGGEST learning was that they were just reflecting my own belief about the charges. I knew I was charging a competitive rate and yet did I really think I was worth it? If I listened to my internal dialogue the answer was "no" what ever I was saying to people or myself.

So I worked on a few things - my relationship with money (It's just energy and it's ok to have it)and my beliefs about myself (I do add value and do have something to say). Since then it's as if I'm dealing with a different client and different world out there. Money is coming to me easily and effortlessly and without any need to negotiate. For example one client just sent an email saying invoice me for 2 days work @ x/day when we'd agreed I was doing the coaching in lieu of future work!

Love and light


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