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Minding Your Own Business [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Why do people think that they can get things for free?Views: 410
Jun 20, 2006 5:53 pm re: Why do people think that they can get things for free?

Nathaniel Gibson
I've run into the whole "feature creep" thing before. I ended up only getting paid half of what I asked for, which was already half of what I normally charge. After that, I made a strict process for dealing with contracted clients that I stick to every time.

1. Get every requirement they want, in writing, up front
2. Don't do any work without a contract in place
3. Nothing is FREE! If they want to feel special, build value in what you're giving them rather than giving them something else, or a discount.
4. Make sure that they understand (up front) that if they want to add anything else, you will charge them for it. They need to understand also that your first estimated price quote for your services is not a concrete one.
5. Set up a project review meeting about a quarter of the way in. This way, you can tell them if they need to pay you more for what you're doing after you've already taken count of what needs to be done for the project.
6. Finally, make sure they understand each of the previous steps, and make sure that you include the review meeting step in the contract, and say that prices are subject to change.

After creating these steps and following through with them, I've never gotten gipped, or ripped off (doing too much work for too little pay) since.


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