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Minding Your Own Business [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Any bus ideas of what I can do with $ 2000Views: 147
Mar 31, 2005 4:06 pm re: Any bus ideas of what I can do with $ 2000

Brian Stauff
Wow, what an order! Kind of like saying, "I have $50 bring me some food I'd like (but no anchovies!)

For my contribution, let me suggest a few things, first:

1) $2000 is not a small amount of money, chose a place to 'store' it until you have the 'need' for it defined.

2) If 'starting a business' is REALLY something you want to do, you should either:

already know what you likely want to do,
OR you should be prepared to start doing some serious research.
But, it is hard to find a cure for a disease if you haven't even identified the symptoms.
Are you looking to start a business because you WANT to or because you THINK you should? Either way: identify the whys of the answer.

3) Start your research internally. What are your skills, experiences, talents, likes, dislikes, etc. and how could/should they affect what you want to do?

4) Just lay back and dream a bit. Brainstorm with yourself and one or a few trusted people. If you could do/be anything (funding is not the issue here) what would you do/be? Your compadres here can answer 'What do you possibly see me doing/being? Why? No holds barred here because this is not a matter of what you already do/are but instead what you might be/do.

5) Add a side list of 'Things you couldn't pay me to do!' Understand why these things are on your list so when evaluating options you can measure them not only against the list but also against the philosophy.

6) Now start networking! But here, don't waste a lot of people's time kicking tires on vehicles you would never drive. I suggest you start really reading some of the Ryze profiles. Look for sites you can views newsletters you can subscribe/unsubscribe for. Look at what they are offering/talking about and if there is something there that really intrigues you, tell the author so and try to establish a networking/conversation relationship. As you find out more, and assuming you are still interested, ask them:

What exactly do you do?
How do you do it?
Then ask yourself: Would I be likely to enjoy doing those things?
7) Repeat until you get a 'yes' and then pursue until you know what you need to know to satisfy yourself that 'This is something I am willing to put money AND time into.'

Observation: Anything you do for a profit, the pursuit of which I will call business, requires that you provide a product or service of enough value to enough others that you can receive a reasonable return on your investment of time and money. You automatically eliminated MLM from your search, (and I am not advocating or deprecating MLM here), and to me that seems out of place because MLM is simply an methodology for delivering product or service. If, by my definition of business, you have a product or service that is 'right' for you, your choice of delivery should be open what best suits that product or service and you haven't yet identified that product or service.

Steps 1-7 should help in identification of possible paths and requirements, things you currently have that you can bring to the table and things you will need to get or improve on to accomplish your ultimate objective. Consider joining some groups or offerings that can provide education. Just remember, not all 'paid for' education is valuable (except in learning 'I'll never do that again, because.....), and not all free advice is worth more than its cost.

Personally, I enjoy multiple income streams. I associate myself with some great people in a variety of endeavors and what I do I feel is valuable and fun (or I don't do them or associate with them). The streams are passive, active, residual, leveraged, non-residual, non-leveraged, serious, fun, short term and long term. Some are combinations but none are all. If you get to step 6 and would like to talk, I'll make myself available.

Bottom line, you may just decide you found a good place to 'store' the money and an some passive investment return is enough to satisfy you. Investing money in a business or an investment vehicle doesn't give you an automatic return of profit. And, with the business there is implied additional investment of time.

By the way, did you know that most salad dressing use anchovies in their base?

Brian Stauff
COO, TAFE Services Company, LLC
http://tafesvc.com http://meettheauthor.net

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