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Twitter Follow FridayViews: 393
Mar 22, 2009 11:02 pm re: re: Twitter Follow Friday

Diane Bjorling
Dear Paula:

I thought a follow up to this question is in order and I hope that your don't object.

Apart from the novelty to any meme you will find, there is a more serious aspect to the trend " Follow Friday"

What if you didn't know who to follow on Twitter? I believe that people are realizing that to follow the RIGHT people within your niche or interest topics are very important. Follow Friday was based on the premise that you will trust the recommendations of your friends and if your friend says...Hey here is a person who has great information, who is worth following, then you will be more inclined to listen and follow.

You can make your suggestions more interesting by building a theme around whom to follow.

Here are some examples:

- New followers
- Especially helpful followers
- Humorous followers
- Most informative followers
- Most conversational followers
- Followers categorized by medium, location, affiliation, occupation (e.g. business Twitters or craft Twitters)

There is no set number of people you can suggest, but everywhere I have read, they are saying 2 or three people on the average.

There are a couple of pointers that you might want to consider to make your Follow Friday more viral:

1. Place the hashtag somewhere in your tweet -
#FollowFriday (http://search.twitter.com/search?q=followfriday)

This will make it easier for people who are trying to find suggestions

2. Use the Top Follow Friday ( http://topfollowfriday.com/) This is a website that allows you to explore who is recommending whom using the #followfriday hash tag.

There are of course a variety of ways to do a Follow Friday:

1. If you are using a blog, then this would be a great weekly post for you.

2. Social Communities such as Ryze is also a very valid way to create your own Follow Friday

3 I save the best for last Twitter Follow Friday.

Sorry this got a bit long, I wanted to make sure the people knew the ins and outs of this particular meme.

Best Regards,


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