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Media Publicity StuntViews: 314
Mar 29, 2007 7:51 pm re: re: Media Publicity Stunt

Mark Buckshon
I agree with Jeff.

Stunts can work in certain circumstances, but as a rule they either need to be very carefully planned or linked closely with something that is not seen as commercial self promotion.

The house raffle is not a new idea. I think there may be all kinds of legalities here that need to be verified before anyone thinks of doing this. (Lottery, real estate trading laws, etc.) It is not a project to enter into lightly or quickly. And it has a whole lot more chance of success if it is associated with a community/charitable not for profit situation or some other aspect or relevant news component. (Is the person desperate because of an imminent mortgage foreclosure -- that could be a story in light of current national news. But making a story out of this involves quite a bit of personal risk and 'exposure' -- is the person doing the raffle willing to take that risk?)

Media publicity arrangements are a combination of careful planning and quick response to changing circumstances. Tricking reporters is rarely a good idea -- especially when there is business or commercial intent involved.

Private Reply to Mark Buckshon (new win)

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