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User Experience (Usability)

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Apr 27, 2004 12:46 pm re: Morae Summary...
Kyle Pero
FYI - This was a message posted on SIGIA-L...
Thanks to everyone who responded with their first impressions of using Morae
for lab-based usability testing. Overall, it sounds like a great tool and it
seems to be the only real usability testing software with built-in recording
for under $1k that we know about. I've listed the pros and cons below:

| -- Pros --|
- Great automatic correlation of keystrokes, mouse clicks, window changing
events, etc., to user behavior.
- No significant impact on performance while recording the session and the
file created is extremely compact (compared to straight avi files, say).
- You can very quickly pull together highlights videos.

|-- Cons --|
- Can't actually record moderator comments keyed to the video.
- Some difficulty getting the webcam bits working.
- Issues with getting the remote logger working (task start/end flags).


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Private Reply to Kyle Pero (new win)

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