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Bangalore Business Network [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Traffic in BangaloreViews: 60
Jan 29, 2009 7:49 am Traffic in Bangalore

Navaz Lalkaka
Hello friends,

I know it is a big mail, Very Easy to ignore.......But if read and Followed............a lot of smily faces can be seen in Bangalore............why not join the revolution...........

Dear Bangaloreans,

Especially all of you who are using your Vehicles let it be Two wheelers, Three Wheelers (Autos) Four Wheelers or even 8/12 Wheelers (Buses) …Let us think for a while….You are driving or commuting in Bangalore with all smiles in your face..no grumbling..no fussing..No honking..you are not shouting on any one…no one is shouting on you either. …hey..hold on..before you comment anything..just feel this..Don’t even read further..just feel the above with in you….ok…tell me … how are you feeling now?…GREAT !!! isn’t it?

How many of you traveled abroad? Say Singapore, Malaysia, Bangkok or Dubai?

How many times you might have thought that WOW..if this scene you can see in Bangalore..No traffic Jams, Respect for fellow commuter. Preference to people crossing the roads…amazing isn’t it?

Now let us ask few questions which naturally comes to our mind.

Will this scenario in Bangalore..is only a dream?
Is it possible to realize this?
Can this happen in your life span or in your children’s life span? Or great grand children?…

Donot get disappointed…All these things can happen in your life time...that too with in a short period of time...it can happen by the time which you wanted it to happen…

Well…!!! Now..who can do this?

Should we wait for one Gandhi, One Nelson Mandela, One Subhash Chandra bose or One Vivekananda to come and start a movement to improve traffic situation of Bangalore?


Bangalore is in the Global list for lot of achievements:
IT HUB, Garden City, Air Conditioned City, Truly Cosmo, Knowledge City..and the list goes on..We never want our city to be termed as Highest traffic Disorder or Traffic Jam city.

Now Stand in the possibility of the whole Bangalore traffic scenario is changed and you are having “SMILY RIDE” in Bangalore. Now answer this question..

Who has brought this change to Bangalore traffic Scenario…? It is You..I mean it is WE who has changed the traffic scenario and made it motorable for each of us.

Yes…Each of us can participate in changing this scenario…

It is because of us the whole Bangalore traffic will become lovable and motorable.

Yes..let us pledge our selves to get “SMILY RIDE” in Bangalore…Bring world of Difference to Bangalores’s traffic…

OK now let us get on to the ACTION…..

To get anything in life we need to give…Here are few of my action plan.

All we need to do is just 3 things to change the whole of Bangalore scenario..yes.. I am not joking just make three Commitments.

Just follow the rules and Lane discipline ALWAYS. NEVER EVER violate traffic Rules.
Keep smiling at Signals..No arguments, NO shouting, NO Honking and DONOT provoke others to violate.
Just display (Show off) to others that you are a strict follower of traffic rules by tying RED and YELLOW (TWO ribbons..just to differentiate if some one has habit of tying ribbon for prosperity etc.,) RIBBON to your vehicle in prominent place..(Say side mirror on Cars, Bikes or buses) and ENROLL minimum TEN people in your life to participate in this MOVEMENT. And each of them will Enroll TEN Others and the chain goes on.

All it takes is to touch 1000 volunteers in a span of ONE month….

What are the responsibility of the Volunteers?

- You need not have to stand in Traffic Signals wear RED T shirt and RED cap..and distribute Phamplets.

- You will not stand in petrol Bunks and take pledge oaths

- You will not stand next to traffic cop and control the traffic.

- You will not form Human chains to display your concerns for traffic problem and thus create more Havoc.

WOW!!! That sounds great isn’t it?

Then what is that will spread this message across?

The whole idea of above self imposing rules is to get the discipline in to our blood..get on to the roots. Have transformation in each self and the whole world will change…Remember the famous saying ..”Even thousand mile walk starts with Single step”

DONOT ever say if I change will the world know? Who will teach the Auto guy? Who will teach the Bus Driver? Who will teach CAB guy? Who will teach lorry driver?

This is what volunteers will do:

- Address Auto drivers association and enroll at least 100 Drivers to join our movement.

- Address BUS drivers association and enroll at least 100 Drivers to join our movement

- Like wise address each of other associations like CAB Drivers association, Lorry Drivers association and enroll about 100 people in to our movement.

- Later they will transform at least 10 people each in their stand, their association members etc.

- People who are in BPOs talk to your transport department and request for one meeting with all CAB drivers of your organization.

- Post this message on all your internal bulletin boards.

- Send this mail to atleast 500 people in your mailing contact list.

- Put this in various blogs and enroll as many people in to this activity.

To do all these activities we need volunteers who can take at least ONE responsibility and just do that alone with 100% effort.

Are you excited?

Reply to smilyride@gmail.com and there you are causing the difference to Bangalore traffic.

Pl note while suggestions, improvements based on above guidelines are welcome any skeptical writings, cynicism will find its way to trash.

Thanks for your attention!

Private Reply to Navaz Lalkaka (new win)

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