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Spiritual Entrepreneur Today Post New Topic | | Topics
People Need this Product Views: 176
Jun 05, 2011 7:40 pm People Need this Product

Donald Smith
Earlier today I was watching CSPAN and Howard Schutlz,CEO of Starbucks was on and he was saying that the Company has 5% of a 60 million a day phenomenon: Coffee Drinking.
My thoughts immediately turned to RTPR and it hit me: "My God. If we do this right, we can impact lives in a real way." Some would say it's about the product; Others would say it's
about the money. But I contend that it's about the people. And...if we focus on the people, product will sell and money will be made.

The guy who was interviewing Chairman Schultz talked about how impassioned people were and are about starbucks. He relayed the story of the elderly lady who literally got on
her knees and begged that "her" store not be closed. It's not about the product, It's not about the money. It's about the people. People who are hurting and need an alternative
to the over-the counter and prescription meds that we all know are not good for the body; People who need a less expensive and yet effective way to combat their pain; People who
need a Ray of Hope as they seek a way to provide for their families.

It really is about people you know; People that you care about. They deserve this product; They deserve this new lease on life. Will you be the one that lets them down? Will YOU
be the one hearing,"I couldn't sleep last night; the pain was too bad" and you pass them NOT offering help? Can you or will you get out of your comfort zone in order to help someone?
Today you may make a difference in someone's life; Today you may help someone feel better than they have in days, or weeks,or months, or imagine,even years!. You have the power;
You have the possibility; You have the solution. Again, it's not about product, or the money, or the opportunity. It's about PEOPLE. So...if you're smoking,4 cartons will get your Enterprise
Vendor Plus Pack; If you're imbibing,10(?) cartons it will get you the pack. If you're a Starbucks person, 75 Lattes will do ya, If you frequent Mickey D's and get the Value Meal, 80 will suffice
or, if you visit KFC and get the Family Bucket, maybe 15 will do ya. What am I saying? That whatever it takes for you to get your 1st pack, do it! Or, it could be a matter of just saving money
for the next month. But..however, WHATEVER it takes, Just like Nike, "Just do it!"


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