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*It's a Dog's Life* [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Dog saves owners life but dies trying to save the cat....Views: 270
May 06, 2008 1:26 pm re: Dog saves owners life but dies trying to save the cat....

Marielena Alvarez
My Pit Bull CiCi is not a trained assistant dog, but she has a special relationship with our black cat Ebanita (age 12). They share a bowl of milk most mornings and Ebanita even lets the dog sniff her butt (I swear she rolls her eyes, as if to say "if you must"). CiCi will occasionally lick the cat's head until Ebanita tells her knock it off, with a well placed (declawed) paw and a meow! She was declawed when I adopted her and I think it contributed to her occasionally surly behavior and demanding ways, when it comes to milk, she wants it "NOW" and says so in plain English!

I have no doubt that CiCi would run back into a burning house to "get kitty" for mommy. The other three cats (ages 11-15) would either find their way out by themselves or die of smoke inhalation while hiding under the bed, while Andy and I would be waiting on the lawn with Lady, the German Shepherd (who side steps around the cats and shows no interest in them), CiCi would die trying to herd the cats out of a burning house.

I have a cat, Chiquitita with very fluffy fur, who snuffed out a candle with her fur! It singed it a bit but no damage done. Of course this was when she was much younger, but she still isn't any smarter at age 15. She is my dumb cuddle bunny but I love her and have had her since she was a kitten (likely the runt of the litter, but has already outlived one sibling and her mate).

Those crazy cats will jump up on any surface, despite the candles.

As you can see, we have quite a menagerie at our house!

I have no idea what a border collie would do with the four cats. Cat herding is possible, even without a border collie!

Private Reply to Marielena Alvarez (new win)

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