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StressfreeViews: 141
May 04, 2005 5:38 pm Stressfree
KerryF Hello everyone. I've been asked a lot lately about my Ryze page. I say on there that I live as stressfree of a life as I possibly can. Because I have put this on my ryze page I get a lot of emails from people asking me how I accomplish such a thing. They seem astonished that it is even an option.

Now, since this is not my profession I rarely go into too much detail in my replys as how I accomplish a stressfree life. But a very good friend of mine recently asked for this information, and I found myself typing out a list for her. A list that I follow and is very successful for me.

I decided that maybe I should post this list in a few of my networks. Maybe the list will help someone else dealing with this issue of stress.

So, here it is:

Now, I'm not an expert in stress reduction. But I used to be stressed out myself all the time, a long time ago. I decided then and there to destress my life as much as was possible. I've been very successful at it.

I'll share some of the things I do to remain as stressfree as I can possibly be:

1. Do not surround yourself with stressful people, or people who cause you to be stressful. This includes your loved ones and family. I rarely see my own mother, or even talk with her, because I'll be stressed out for hours and sometimes days, after our talk. I just stay away from her. I have eliminated all the stressful people in my life as much as I could get away with. The people who are left in my life are easy going and possitive people. Anyone who I could not eliminate completely, like mom, I simply deal with as little as possible.

2. Do not put yourself in stressful situations that you do not have to be in. I find that a lot of people put themselves in stressful situations because they feel they should, or they think they can't get out of them. My favorite words are, "I'm sorry, but I won't be able to help you with that." I say this whenever I find myself being asked to help with a stressful situation that I would rather not be involved in or asked to be involved with a stressful person. Learn to say no. Don't take on anything you do not need or really want to do. If you really want to do something, remember that you shouldn't be stressed about it. If you are, then maybe you shouldn't be doing it.

3. Do not think stressful thoughts. Do not tell yourself, in your mind, or out loud, "Oh man I am so stressed out!" Don't even think it. If you are feeling stressed then think about what you can do to eliminate the stress quickly, then do so. Never think that you are stressed, because then you will be for sure.

4. Keep a clean organized house, car, work etc. Being disorganized and messy causes stress. Eliminate this stress by simply tackling the clutter you have around you.

5. Deep breath/meditation. I meditate. There are many good books and tapes out there to help you learn to meditate. Meditation is actually the first step I took when I was trying to eliminate the stress in my life. If you don't have time to meditate breath deep and slow. It will calm you down.

6. Yoga. I love yoga. It is a form of meditation, and uses deep breathing. Plus the stretching and blood flow is great. Buy a tape and start a yoga practice.

7. Do not behave like a stressed person. Don't run around frantic, take your time and be purposful. If you've lost your car keys, and you're late for an appointment, just go calmly through your house and look for the keys. Don't make it dramatic or anything. Breath deep while you look.

These are the things I do every day to remain as stress free as possible. The biggest points that help me are to not have people in my life who are dramatic and stressful. Or people who cause me to be dramatic or stressful. I just surround myself with possitive upbeat people no matter what. If I lose a friendship, or lose touch with a relative because of my attitude, I don't care. I can not handle being stressed out. I love being calm and at peace.

*** Well, there it is. My list.

Have a stressfree day,


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