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This is what's been happening with me since the class:Views: 222
Aug 23, 2006 4:27 pm Sean and his parents' generous offer

That was kind of my thought as well. So I am grateful to the kids that slashed my other gazebo. (But I hope they got it out of their system and moved on to more fruitful things like learning the universal laws of manifesting, for example).

I do have more news, but I am still weirded out by it. It is something that happened last night when we were sitting around watching tv with our visiting in-laws (Sean's parents). We started talking about finances and I told them I had had $40,000 sitting in my one bank account for a year now since I sold my house and how proud I was of myself for not frittering it away like the old me would have possibly done. Then Sean's dad turned to me and Sean and said that if we wanted to get a nicer place, he would match our $40,000 for a new mortgage!!!

My reaction was one of complete gratitude because all I could say was 'WOW.' But Sean's reaction was radically different from mine. I swear he was almost offended. He thanked them for their offer and said that we'd discuss it. I can see now that there are some issues there with his father and him, and I believe that that is where his resistance comes in.

I did have a feeling that they would offer something like this. My intuition was putting me on notice. I think this is grand, but it takes both of us to think that it is for it to manifest. I am still thanking the universe for the good it gave me. Now I suppose the rest is up to Sean.

This has showed me that when I manifest, my partner has to be on the same wavelength as myself when I am manifesting for the both of us.

But still, this is extremely cool!


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