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How Did Marilyn Start Her Business? A True Tale of Synchronicity and GuidanceViews: 849
Sep 15, 2006 8:21 pm re: re: How Did Marilyn Start Her Business? A True Tale of Synchronicity and Guidance

Terri Cummings
(I listened to the recording) from this Mondays Membership call, it was a great one. I want to give you a great big congratulations on your fabulous book manifestation. Amazing how powerfully the Universe speaks to us at times. I’m tickled just giddy for you, I can hear the joy in your voice on the call, and I hope you finally got a chance to faint!

It is from people who can tell their stories, who not only talk the talk but do and have walked the walk, that we learn from, we trust, we believe in ourselves, and we build our faith and courage to go for it. You tell a great story Marilyn. I remember some 3 years ago when I heard you on a phone call with another network leader, she was asking for YOUR help in answering some questions on HER call. From the moment I heard you speak I knew I wanted what you had. I didn’t even know what it was that you had, but I knew I wanted to find out, and finding out is what lead me to find your network and to quickly become your student.
My very own prompting from the Universe, led me to the teacher I was ready for. So many people get valuable insight from your teachings. The very fact that your network gets more hits than any on Ryze is a testament; people want to read what you have to say. I am extremely excited to see so many great teachers of prosperity work becoming internationally known today. The more people that learn these laws the greater we can all become for ourselves and for all of those we love. People are waking up one by one to the greatness that lies within.

I will be sending you and Martin loving vibrations as you meet on the 19th with your literary agent Paul.

Terri C.

PS… Mary Beth has a great idea, Rhonda Byrne seems perfect! She put together a fabulous Movie, the only time I watch TV is when I pop in my copy of “the Secret” this is no outside project…this is an Inside job.


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