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Glowing Testimonial for Marilyn's ProgramsViews: 471
Jun 05, 2007 12:47 am Glowing Testimonial for Marilyn's Programs

Susan McCool
Hello Everyone!

Some of you know me from other networks, but I don't often post here on FFTP. I am in two of Marilyn's programs - I Create My Body and Feel Free To Prosper. I have glowing testimonials for each...

I Create My Body

Many of you may have already seen my testimonial about my progress with the I Create My Body program in Marilyn's announcement of her Live Teleclass (which is going to be so exciting). But, for those that didn't read that thread...

I started Marilyn's I Create My Body program several weeks ago. The first few days I noticed results, right away. My cravings changed. I lost all desire to eat "junk" food. In fact, it just isn't appealing to me at all. Its like being forced to eat something that you do not like. I started craving "good" foods. I realized that for the ease of convenience, we fell away from our usual diet of lots of veggies and homemade meals with whole grains, wheat and oats. So, I put us back on that menu of food. I crave salads again (although the dressings seem to do it no justice anymore). Every bite is good...it is fullfilling a craving...a desire.

2 weeks after starting the program, I have went from a size 12 pants to a size 10. And now my size 10s are even a little looser than they were at that 2 week mark. I have so much more energy that I can chase my kids around without wanting to fall over and recoup (I have a three yr old and an 8 month old). In fact, I find myself going on cleaning sprees late in the night to burn off the energy so I can sleep.

I am definately loving the NEW ME!

Or should I say...

I am definately loving having the OLD ME BACK!

Feel Free To Prosper

I have been doing the FFTP Program now for about a week and a half and am getting personal coaching from Marilyn. I have had amazing results. Again, within a few days I started noticing results. I had two new clients that I was going back and forth in emails with. Both very interested in working with me.

But, then I thought things took a nose dive. I called Marilyn in a panick because one of my current clients informed me that she wanted to take a 2 month break - which means 2 months of not having that money. Marilyn explained to me the lesson in the 3rd post of her story - There is no loss in the Divine Mind. She instructed me to read that story. I did. I got a new project that night with a possibility of more. Yesterday, I signed a new retainer client who has already paid me in full for the month of June (an amount that is more than double that of the client that is taking a 2 month breather). Today, I received an email from the other potential client I have been conversing with...he is still VERY interested in working with me. He is just trying to get all of his ducks in a row and he has a few other projects I might be able to assist him with that he is trying to pull the information together for to email to me. This means, this one client will have about 10 different projects for me, plus some long-term projects.

I am definately seeing the prosperity growing in my life. I am now bringing in enough money for my husband to persue his dream of starting his own business.

I know I am doing the homework and that I am manifesting all this greatness. But, I really give the credit to Marilyn for teaching me these simple, gratifying principles that are allowing me to reach my goals much faster than I ever thought I could. Marilyn has become such a great part of my life that I add her to my gratitue journal every night (shhh...she doesn't know that yet!).

I would love to hear how everyone else is doing on their programs. How far you have come. Your rags to riches stories. Please share with me how far you have come from utilizing Marilyn's different programs.

Prosperous wishes,

Susan McCool
Spotlight Marketing & Design
...Guiding balanced business owners to enjoy the spotlight of success!


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