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New Feel Free to Prosper Teleclass: "Release is Magnetic"Views: 259
Jun 26, 2007 11:37 am New Feel Free to Prosper Teleclass: "Release is Magnetic"

Marilyn Jenett


First, something unusual for this network. You know that I want the information on the FFTP Network to always be uplifting, inspirational, and valuable.

But for this post, I am about to describe situations below that are not positive in nature. But they will serve the purpose of letting you know some of the situations that can be resolved and healed using the principle of "Release." In fact, many of these situations were brought to me over the past few years with my private students. So I was able to experience the results of teaching my students how to create dramatic changes using release work.

Are any of these situations familiar to you?

1. You work for a company and are involved in work that you love, but the director or superior in the company, is making your life miserable. You do a wonderful job and know your value, but for some reason, this person chooses to devalue your efforts and even berates you in front of others.

2. You are in business for yourself but sometimes attract clients who are difficult to work with or please, or do not pay as agreed or contracted for. Or you may have a partner in the business who is not aligned with your thoughts and visions and this causes difficulties.

3. Your marriage of decades is in trouble and your spouse has told you that he/she is leaving.

4. You are involved in a legal battle with a spouse or ex-spouse and the strain and stress not only affects your life but that of your young child.

5. Or your marriage or relationship has already been dissolved, but you have not been able to get over the hurt and disappointment.

6. There is a family member (an inlaw, for example) that is causing great distress for you and interfering with your family’s harmony.

7. Your child is causing disharmony in the family through rebellion and inappropriate behavior.

8. You were deeply hurt in your past and you still haven’t been able to release it and find peace, although there is something in you that knows that you need to do so, for your own happiness.

9. You hurt someone else deeply in your past and amends were never made. You carry this with you, unable to release it.

10. Someone cheated you in the area of money that caused you a great deal of resentment that doesn’t feel very good.

11. You have wanted something for a very long time and you have wished and wished, prayed and prayed, took all the actions you could think of, but your dream has never come true.

12. You are studying and taking very important exams for school or perhaps for professional reasons. You are very concerned and anxious about passing. Your future depends on it. That’s a lot of pressure.

13. You have resentment against a person who didn’t live up to your expectations, didn’t produce well enough in the financial or career area, didn’t take care of herself, didn’t have the best relationships, and maybe did some stupid things in life. You find it hard to free up the resentment toward this person or to love her. Who is this person? The person is YOU.

These are only a few of the scenarios in life which can be resolved, and peace and harmony expressed, inwardly as well as outwardly - by a special spiritual practice known as “release.”

My private students often bring me situations that are very much in need of release work. And it works beautifully. It is the fastest, surest way to turn situations around in human relationships – whether those relationships are close to home or a part of business.

But we not only use “releasing” with people, we can release many other areas of life. Often those dreams that we want and work toward don’t happen because we have not released them to allow the Universe to bring them about.
We hold on too tight. A very important part of the manifestation process in our prosperity work is to know when to “let go.” Like planting our seeds in a garden, there is a time to plant and then a time to let the creative forces of the Universe take over. Our thoughts and desires blossom and are harvested in the same way.

By the way, you can never lose anything by releasing. In fact, if someone is in your life for your highest good, then releasing them will bring them even closer. Releasing family members brings closeness, peace and harmony. Releasing those who no longer belong in your life will cause them to leave peacefully so both of you are free to find your highest good.

So many students have had situations requiring release work lately, that I have decided to conduct a teleclass on this subject alone. In fact, two of those students suggested it and the thought kept returning to me.

In my Feel Free to Prosper program, Lesson Four is titled “Release is Magnetic.” But for this new program, I have also taken Lesson One “The Spoken Word” and adapted it to “Forgiveness and Release.” So now there are two powerful lessons relating to the practice of release. As always, my mentoring will bring about the understanding to allow you to put this practice to use immediately to turn situations around in your life.

Here is the introduction to "Release is Magnetic"

What does it mean to release?

The dictionary defines release (from Latin relaxare: to relax):

1. To set free from restraint, confinement or servitude; to let go
2. To relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses
3. To give up in favor of another; relinquish

Synonym: to free

Closely related to release is forgiveness. To forgive:

1. To give up resentment of or claim to requital for
2. To cease to feel resentment against; to pardon one’s enemies

In spiritual terms, there are three areas of release that we will consider in this lesson.

Part I. Release relates to the giving up of negative ideas and emotions that bind us to the very situations we do not want and prevent us from becoming the open channels to the good that we want in our lives. Holding negative thoughts - anger, fear, resentment, hate, ill will, envy, vindictiveness, possessiveness – all burden and confine us and stop the flow of good, and interfere with our mental and physical health.

Part II. Release also relates to, as Catherine Ponder states, “…cleaning up and cleaning out unneeded possessions in your home and business, as well as by cleaning up and cleaning out unneeded relationships in your life – either those relationships that are questionable or those that you have simply outgrown.” Yes, cleaning out the clutter also releases us from burden and confinement.

Part III. Holding onto anxious and tense thoughts about the good we want to create or attempting to force an outcome prevents the actual manifestation of that good because it suggests a lack of faith and acceptance and creates a consciousness of “trying”. Did you know that to try is actually a negative thought? Trying to do something implies that you may not succeed. Not very faith-filled, is it? So you will learn how to release the results you wish to manifest.

Lesson Four, "Release is Magnetic"
Copyright © 2003-2007 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved.

So, members, I thought I would put this note out here and receive your interest in participating in this teleclass.
I will pick a date shortly - it will be in the next two weeks. The price will be appealing as I want to record this class to turn into an audio program afterward.

With this much information so far, would you please let me know if you are interested in attending. Your interest will show me whether to move forward. I much prefer to have my students ready to participate based on the value of my programs, than to have to do a lot of marketing and promotion.

~ Marilyn


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