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Feel Free to Prosper for Business: Metaphysical Marketing (Here on the Network)Views: 583
May 23, 2008 9:12 am Metaphysical Marketing: Revisiting My Business Roots: aka Walking the Talk

Marilyn Jenett
Metaphysical Marketing Workshop

Revisiting My Business Roots

aka Walking the Talk :-)

In the previous segment, I encouraged you to forget the "R" word and I keep your attention focused on progression instead of the mass mind and media rhetoric about the opposite.

Well, today I would like to offer a current personal manifestation as support for my views...

I gave up my last corporate client, Campbell Soup, almost two years ago after booking those over-the-top mansions, castles and island for their promotions for three years. It was time to devote myself exclusively to my prosperity program and products and release my former business of two decades.

But amidst all of the joy of teaching prosperity principles, I've been feeling antsy of late - actually missing my corporate business a teensy bit. You know, a business can be like giving birth to a baby that grows and matures and although you have to let it go one day, it still is a part of you. And a business that you have nurtured and grown - even fought to protect and sustain - is a very important part of the growth of your character too.

Well, I was thinking it would be nice to connect with a hardcore corporate client again - just for the heck of it - and return to my special event roots. Nothing too distracting or time consuming (in the events business, the lead time can be many months or longer) - just a nice easygoing situation for a little change of scenery. If anything really big or demanding comes along, I figured I could always farm that out and still make a profit. But I was thinking of something more like a gentle nudge of business - something quick and easy.


Just a few weeks ago...out of the blue...I got a phone call and email from a corporate client, Nike, Inc. They had meetings coming up just two weeks later here in Los Angeles!! The meeting manager wanted a non-traditional location like a private home for a reception and sit down dinner for about 20 guests...something very special as the highlight of their stay.

Carpe diem! That same day I spoke with the owner of the last home I booked for Campbell - a beautiful ocean view home in Malibu. I spoke with the owner, negotiated a price, then discovered that Nike's group was staying in Santa Monica which is very convenient to the home, called my caterer to get a budget, rushed to get photos of the home on my location website, and sent the email out to the client.

I booked the client. Effortlessly. Guidance and synchronicity rules!

You see, the owner told me that the home was supposed to be rented out that week, but right before I called, that rental was cancelled, thus making the home available to us. Also, Sally, the meeting manager and my contact at Nike had called several other private homes but none would allow them indoors in case of weather conditions and none were as beautiful as my offering.

I made Sally aware of my prosperity program and teachings, of my belief in synchronicity,  and told her I had manifested her event. Even she agreed that this was meant to be :-)

Check out this home for the affair - the weather was perfect and the dinner was poolside with a forever view of the ocean and Pacific coastline (we call it the "Queen's Necklace").

Here's the page we created for the client...(Susan McCool designed this gorgeous website and page):

Today I received a thank you letter from the client stating how thrilled they were with everything and that I can expect many other bookings from them.

I repeat...what "R" word? I do believe the Universe created this surge from my former business just to prove my point :-)

I will have photos of the event and post them soon...and you'll see why we can choose what we wish to manifest in our world, despite what the popular opinion is.

By the way, I haven't done this type of one-evening corporate dinner event for about five years, so it was not the usual thing since I have been focusing on Feel Free to Prosper. Did you know that Nike was the Greek goddess of victory?

So, how did I manifest this perfect situation at such lightening speed? Ah, unless you're VERY new around here...you already know my answer :-)  Further hints below...and may I add...

"Just Do It!"

Nike Swoosh


The Feel Free to Prosper Manifesters Audio Program

The audio version of the traditional Feel Free to Prosper one-month program
 that includes four weekly recorded teleclass sessions and Lessons One and Two.

©Copyright 2003-2008 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper
All rights reserved
Contact Marilyn for reprint permission


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