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So, What Is REAL Success - to You?Views: 405
Jun 07, 2008 2:39 pm re: re: re: So, What Is REAL Success - to You?

Funny this question popped into my inbox this morning because I was just wondering if I felt I am a successful parent. I realize you are meaning business wise success but since all is connected....I have two very wonderful souls as children, ages 21 and 16. Because they are good people who care about others I felt I was so blessed and a success as a parent. Now my 21 year old son is suddenly back home on my livingroom couch, supportimg an out of wedlock baby girl and unhappy with his work and his financial choices (and probably personal choices as well). My 16 year old daughter's car broke down last night and had to sleep over her boyfriend's grandfather's house untilI can get there this morning....my husband and I love eachother but live in separate locations due to logistics (schooling the kids and living in a rural mountain area)..Jiminy Cricket all of a sudden I'm not feeling as successful as I thought I was! My son doesn't cook, my daughter doesn't clean, my son can't save a dime if his life depended on it, my daughter is hanging out with her boyfriend way too much, I have a 17 year old girl living with us due to her unfortunate family situation - shucks, I should be over at the "Vent" network for all this but you did ask!! Business wise success is finding a niche that you can fill to give people healthy choices that can enrich their lives and having an excess of money flow through so all needs and some luxuries can be taken care of. Viviana


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