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Can your actions affect your subconscious and your prosperity?Views: 355
Oct 03, 2008 9:37 pm re: re: Can your actions affect your subconscious and your prosperity?
Morgine Jurdan Marilyn,

Commenting on your reply to Carl, I am finding the same things happening to me and I continue to be EXCITED like a child!!

My former partner and I still live together and have been needed some new stools for our counter for probably 15 years...smile. He never could find any thing right height or that we liked. Finally I decided "I" was going to begin looking myself. Then he began looking more. I began "knowing" something would show up!

We had to go to Ikea for some little thing and he was going to show me a stool he liked to see if I liked it to. He was looking in the returned/damaged/"as is" section to pass time while I returned something. He found the exact stool he wanted to show me (which I liked) and there were 2 of them! We got 2 for less than the price of one and we could not find any damage!! Prosperity!!

Then I have been re-doing my bedroom/office so I "Love" to be there more. It has been a very fun experience and I believe I am on the third week of your program. I was at Ikea again getting some fabric for curtains and I went into that same section. Lo and behold a PERFECT little Chester Drawers for my closet at 50% off!! I was NOT looking for one, however, I immensely disliked the old one I had, with 3 drawers that were all hard to open . I guess the Universe wants me to LOVE everything, even in the closet!! It had a few little marks and I did not care because it lives in my closet!!

It would not fit in my car and I was alone. So I had to take it all apart without instructions. (When they sell things "as is", they cannot help everyone take things apart or it would take too much time.) They do have a little area with tools hooked to wires. So I took it over there and began, just trusting it would all work out. I was having trouble with the little tiny nails which held the back on. Well here comes an employee....smiles...asks how I am doing and I said good except I need something thinner and do not have a knife on me. He disappears and returns with a something which works. Later he notices my trouble pulling out some nails and comes back with this little tool kit!! I needed some pliers. I figured it all out myself, got it in the car and it now is in my closet and I am SO HAPPY!! The drawers open SO EASILY!!! I also found some other perfect things for my room there I did not expect to find!! Even a perfect light! I had only been there a couple of times since it opened and Spirit showed me just where to go for what I needed! That is PROSPERITY!!

Love, Morgine


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